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"but in all it's wrong it felt so perfect"

"but in all it's wrong it felt so perfect"

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ELOISE BRIDGERTON was so very close to spinsterhood she could almost touch it. only one or two more seasons to go before her eager mama would relieve her of the torment she has had to endure for so many years. i mean, how interesting could the london season be? a group of desperate women, simping in the most luxurious of gowns, chasing after potential suitors and boring each and every man of the ton to death. eloise did not care for it at all and did her best to be the most frightful debutante she could be. it was not particularly hard. she had never thought herself to be witty or a good conversationist and was nothing like her perfect sister daphne. she couldn't flirt, or toss her hair or seem to be interested in what her admirers had to say, so messing up her debut wasn't difficult. she made sure she was late to every social event, stepped on every mans toes and refused any callers that may attempt to enter her home. so far this had worked a charm as eloise did not develop an attachment to any man. she never felt the feelings that daphne described to her. she never experienced fluttering in her stomach, or aches in her heart of the desperate need to be near an individual. sometimes she believed she may be broken, that she had no heart or love in her soul, but overtime she accepted that romance was possibly not for her. that was until a mysterious woman at a masquerade ball attracted eloise's devoted attention, and eloise began to understand those crazy, unexplainable feelings that daphne spoke so highly about. it wasn't right, hell the match was destined to fail from the moment it started, but in all its wrong, it felt so perfect. "for eloise got lost in her, but it was the kind of loss that felt exactly like being found..."


"it's in my heart, it's in my head, i never take back the things i said. so, high above. i feel it coming down. she said: in my heart and in my head, tell me why this has to end. oh no, oh no"

"i can't save us, my atlantis, we fall. we've built this town on shaky ground. i cant save us, my atlantis, oh no. we've built it up to pull it down"

"now all the birds have fled. the hurt just leaves me scared, loosing everything i'd ever known. it's all become to much, maybe i'm not built for love. if i knew that i could reach you i would go"


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