1. Assassin Brothers

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Cassidy Clarke POV

What the actual fuck

What the complete and utter flying fuck

A family?

A different family?

A fucking Mafia family?

How am I supposed to respond to that?

Hi there, I didn't know you existed and I also killed my psychopath sister because she spent her whole life trying to kill me for just being alive? That's gonna be a fun conversation.

"Cas you okay?" Casey asked as someone touched my shoulder. I turned to look and see Drew looking down at me form where he stood.

Dang. Why is he so hot...

"Uh I honestly don't think I can answer that with a distinguishable answer..." I shake my head. I don't need other family. I think? God I don't know.

"Do they know about her? Like where she is? With the De Lucas?" Archer asked as he drew circles on Casey's thigh.

Archer looks sad. Why was he sad? Just because I find out I have an actual other family doesn't mean I was going to drop everything I made here to be with them. They were strangers at this point.

Maybe they only wanted to meet me to kill me? Or sell me off to some mafia son so they could have an alliance or something? Or maybe they were just really sick assholes who just wanted to fuck with my mind? This thinking isn't really making me feel better.

"Yes they do, they want to meet you" Rafael stated. "-only when you're ready. I was speaking to Evelyn - ahem-" he paused "-your mother who found out that you were alive, she told me that you and your sister were stolen out of your cribs by a house maid and one of their gardeners...they were hired by a another family but they took the money and kept you both..."

This is some weird fucked mafia storyline bullshit.

Oh fuck. How am I supposed to explain to my mother that I killed my sister?

"Oh and what about The Russo Brothers. They are all basically trained Assassins-"

"What? Assassins? Are you shitting me?" I groan. So if I annoy one of them they probably can think of 40 ways to kill me with a pen.

Wait... "Brothers? How many brothers?" I ask


"Jesus" what if they despise me for killing Aspen? Do they already know that she's dead? and that i was the one who took a can of hairspray and a lighter to her face? or do they know about all of the abuse i went through at the hands of mu- John and Elise - they aren't my parents, even before finding out they weren't family or my parents they were my abusers. 

"your brothers want to meet you first. your mother is trying to deal with the idea of you being alive and your twin being...well dead.-" Leon states sending me a guilty look.

Ah yes what a wonderful time to be alive.

"I have a file on your brothers.  And mother and father if you want to read up on them before you meet them." Casey states as he hands a file an inch and a bit thick.

Jesus Christ. Go Case. But bloody hell that's some Intel.  I grab the file and give him a light hearted smile.

"I might go to bed for a bit of light reading..."I laugh awkwardly as I stand up from my seat on the couch.

Drew follows me as I thanks the guys and bid them goodnight. We made our way to our room. The De Luca's made sure we had our own property and space even though we were now apart of their crew.

The Russo Identity - Book 3 in Identity SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now