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Emerson Fay had gotten herself in trouble.

This wasn't unusual, actually — three times she had been threatened with suspension from the oh-so distinguished Upper Lake Academy for Girls before her graduation. Looking back, Emerson wasn't sure why they never went ahead and suspended her, besides the possibility that her headmaster was holding onto some minuscule, invisible, unrealistic hope that her behavior would improve. Unsurprisingly, it didn't.

Emerson was a fight-picker, not a peacemaker; from as early as kindergarten she had been number one when it came to pushing people's buttons until they exploded at her, and at always getting the last word in. She knew how to throw a punch and how to take a punch.
She knew how to fend for herself.

Her current predicament, however, made suspension, community service, and even jail look great in comparison.

She was trapped; forced into a life she wanted nothing to do with simply because fate had willed it to be that on April 29th, Emerson would lock eyes with a man in a coffee shop.

And the worst part of it all? The worst part was the fact that just before the shitshow began, Emerson thought she might have a chance of redeeming herself.

Now, all bets were off.

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