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i walked into school this morning running on two hours of sleep, shitty truckstop food, and caffeinated drinks. i made my way to my locker to grab my books, but as i did, i heard ash boasting to his friends about how "amazing and original" his music is. great, another wannabe popstar who thinks his music'll go mainstream, how cliche. i couldnt help but laugh a little to myself when i heard his little entourage hyping him up so much. they were treating him like a god, but he isnt one. he's a douchebag, a bastard, a prick. 

 ash and i go way back, and i wish i could say thats a good thing, but it isnt. i didnt used to be as fuckin epic as i am now, so him and his friends used to bully the shit out of me. i have no idea how he feels about me now, but i know ive caught him looking MULTIPLE times. he annoys the shit out of me, and i highly doubt my opinions of him will change anytime soon. the only good quality about him is his looks from as far as i can tell. i hate him. 

i grabbed my books, and started to walk down the hallway. head down, music up, one foot in front of the other, and to class i went. my day was normal up until around the end of when i should have been in 2nd period. it went like this. go to first period, finish first period, skip second period to smoke behind the school and chill, come back inside, go about my day. but nah. i got caught today. "Y/N. INSIDE. NOW." oh god. i was gonna run, but i knew there was no point. the assistant principal had already caught me, and running would only get me in more trouble. i dropped my cigarette, stepped on it, made sure it was put out, and walked inside. "sit, you'll be dealt with shortly" she pointed at a chair, and i sat down. i was there for about ten minutes until i heard a door open, and a familiar laugh, the sound of someone sitting down, and finally, "haven't talked to you in a minute." i looked next to me, and there he is, ash goddamn gutierrez. i ignored him at first, and turned my music up, but he wouldn't leave me alone. "you look good today. when did that happen?" i rolled my eyes "would you shut up? why are you even here?" he looked at me and answered "well i was about to ask you the same question" before smiling. "awh, aren't you just the cutest" i sarcastically replied while fighting the urge to punch him in the nose. everything about him annoyed me. i dont like him. he's so cocky and arrogant, he doesn't deserve all the praise he gets from people. 

it took a few seconds but he responded with "yea. really REALLY glad you noticed. im in here for skipping. and you?" i didn't want to talk to him, but i did anyways. "skipping, and smoking on school grounds." "oh yikes. what were you smoking?" "just cigarettes, nothing too fancy." "do you have anymore on you?" i got quiet for a second, really wasnt expecting that response. "uh yea actually." "let me get one, please." he smirked. "are you fucking stupid?? im not getting them out of my bra in the middle of the office, where there's cameras pretty much everywhere. ill get in even MORE trouble." "well then lets dip. lets leave. its easy??? nobody is in here to stop us." 

its tempting, but i have no idea if i trust him. he put me through hell freshman year,  and i don't want to give him the chance to do it again. but i dont say that. what i say is, "sure, yea. lets do it." we both get up, and walk out. i start to run to the door to leave the school, but he grabs my arm. "are you stupid?? if you run, youll look out of place. walk. be chill. dont draw attention to yourself." i rolled my eyes, but he was right. we walked out, and i went to go to my car. "you should come with me!" he smiled. "why. give me one good reason. ash, i dont wanna go. youre a dick. see ya." 

it was freezing outside. i got in my car, turned the heat up, and drove off. i looked back once, just to see ash still standing in the parking lot. i sighed, and kept driving. "what an idiot." i mumbled under my breath. i have to admit though, i was a little happy he talked to me. it means he probably doesnt hate me, and i really dont need more people hating me. he's a cool guy i guess. he's just an asshole. 

word count: 817

i have no idea when the next part is gonna be posted or IF theres gonna be a next part, this started as a joke between a friend and i, soooooo. yea.

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