The Night It All Happened

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It all started five months ago, I was walking my dog, Blaze, around the corner of our house on Crescent Lane. In the background you could hear the whooshing of the wind blowing through Blazes and I's hair which is normal for the weather here in Crescent City. It always rained a lot where I'm from but thats usually when its cold out. I looked up at the sky and seen that it was getting dark and the clouds starting turning gray which is weird because the weather app says 75 degrees and its sunny and then out of no where it started pouring rain. So we began to make out way back home and then thunder starting cracking and I remember looking at the sky and seeing one particular bolt. This looked as if it were about to hit us, so I began to run. Next thing I knew I was hit and I seen a scar on my arm that was in the same exact shape as the bolt that hit me. I turned around and seen my dog laying on the ground unconscious.

I remember screaming at the top of my lungs "Help! Somebody please help!". Soon after that me and my family were all in the hospital, with the hopes that blaze will be okay.  I couldn't help but remember that my dog had the same exact scar on his paw, except his a had a blue light gleaming through it. I figured I was hallucinating so I let it go. A doctor finally came up to us after having us wait for two hours.

"How is he doc?" I asked anxiously.

"Not so good, the lightning bolt struck to point where he went into a coma, the second he got hit." At that moment my heart sank, I didn't know what to do or say.

"How long until he's awake?" I asked.

"Two weeks, but it's not a guarantee that will or wont be longer than that. Would you like to see him?" he asked. I nodded my head eagerly. I walked into the room, and saw him sitting there looking almost lifeless.

"Hey buddy, we going get through this, just me and you like always. We've been through so much together there's no way we're not going to get through this. I love so much" I started crying.

"You know part of me feels like this is my fault, I knew that I shouldn't have taken you for a walk especially since i got the weather I could've sworn the app 75 degree outside". I said to him as he lied then I looked out the window, and seen that it was back to the sunny weather which was weird. I looked back down at Blaze and caressed my hand across his scar, and I swear as soon our scars touched I saw a small blue lightning bolt, and I moved my hand back in quick motion.

"You okay babygirl?" my dad asked while looking at me weirdly, i turned to him and nodded.

"Huh? Oh, yeah yeah I'll be fine and so will blaze" i said while looking him. i touched his scar again and nothing happened weird. Soon after that visiting hours were over, everyone went home but I insisted on staying.

Days and weeks passed, the two weeks deadline had passed and we were all ready to say goodbye. But me knowing my dog, I knew he was a fighter I kept praying that he would wake up. I would also try to see if that blue bolt will come back and nothing happened so I left alone with the assumption that i was tripping. As the days went on the news began to spread news reporters started showing up at my house, and sometimes my school. I would go to school everyday being bombarded by all their questions "Kianna how do you feel about this?", "Kianna why didn't stay in the house that night?", one question stood out to me "Kianna, if you love your dog, why didn't you protect him?". To be honest I don't know, everything happened so fast that night, I almost forgot that he was even there, I wasn't thinking straight at the time. There are even a whole of people grew hate towards me, and I was labeled as the "Dog Killer". Everyday after school I would go to visit blaze at the hospital, and do my homework there, and go home when visiting hours ended.

I was ready to give up until I seen him moving and heard him whimpering. next thing I know I'm crying tears of joy. "BLAZE, you're ok" I screamed. What happened next was the weirdest thing ever, you would think I was hallucinating, but I swear he ran towards me as if he had super speed.

"What the hell?" I said flabbergasted. "Did I just see- Did you just_ DID HE JUST-" I said in complete shocked from what I seen. Soon after, the doctors came back in very abruptly, and that's when I froze, because I didn't know what to do.

"Is everything okay in here?, we heard screaming!" one the nurses said, causing me to have to think very quick on my feet.

"Oh no ma'am everything is fine, he just really fine, like he was back to normal" I said to her, and she came over and petted him.

"Yeah this one was a fighter, very strong." she said while smiling at him. "Let me walk to exit in lobby and then you can sign your release forms." she said and i nodded and followed.

I signed the release forms and we went home. While approaching the front door I was skeptical on the thought of telling my parents. "Look I don't know what that was, but no one else needs to know about this" I say to him.

"Hey everyone look who's home!" I said while walking into with him. Everyone gather around me in a quick motion, all very happy to see him.

"Hey Blaze, Im so glad your okay" my sister said she started petting him.

"So tell me what happened when he woke up, was he barking, was he scared, what happened?" my mom asked me. I contemplated on if I should tell them or not. Maybe i should tell them and they can probably help me process it, or maybe if i do they'll take him to a scientist to run test on him, or media might find out.

"Yeah everything went smoothly, I was doing my homework looked up and he was just sitting there, it was almost like he didn't get hurt" i said in the most believable tone i could speak in.

I decided to keep it a secret, no one needs to know, and it's no one business. As time went on I noticed his "powers" activated whenever someone needs help. I also noticed that whenever his powers are activated there's a blue lighting bolt going through both of his eyes just liked it did on his paw. I then realized that I this was something I had to get used to.

I have a dog with SUPER POWERS! I guess that's something I have to get used to. And no one and I mean NO ONE is gonna find out. But I do have one question though, if everything went okay while he was asleep and wok they were running tests on him while he was asleep, then how come nothing came up about the fact he had some weird newfound ability? Somethings up and I'm gonna find out what it is.

**Or so she thinks** TBC....

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