The "Date" Pt 2

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Pulling up to the movies me and A don't know how to feel. Like I don't know whether I should be happy because I'm going out and enjoying my self or if I should feel nervous cautious because I don't know Ty's true intentions. Because I'm still wondering why he decided to ask me to come out all the sudden, and I know he said it's because of my dog. But that happened two months ago, and I know he doesn't know Blaze is home, but everyone knew about the storm that hit him. You mean to  tell me that it took him two months to go from sitting on the sidelines to finally make a move. Oh yeah he's up to something, because who waits two months to ask some one out. Waiting outside the building with a whole bunch of people surrounding the ticket booth, Ty said that he's running late so he'll meet us here, so in the meantime me and A are sitting a table, since the movies is located in a mall.

"Ok what I'm trying to figure out is, why did it take ty two months to ask you to go the movies? I mean I know he doesn't know Blaze is out, but that storm been happened. And come on now it's the movies " Amara asked. Is she reading my mind? Because I was just thinking that.

"Yo that's what I was thinking. you-" I said before she cut me off.

"Think he's up to something? Most def" she said nodding. See there she go again, reading my mind. "And you already know I'm getting to the bottom of it" she said smirking. See that's why I like her, she always looks out for me. Now she may know how to keep a secret but the she is a damn good friend.

"Ok. But do you really think he could be a threat a though? What if his intentions are actually good" I said. Only because I'm really nervous on how this going to go. Ty may not be all bad really, and I don't like to judge people.

"I mean you heard Blaze, with powers like his, and this city that we live in any and every one can be a threat. Plus we've seen how Ty is with people especially girls so as im concerned he's guilty until proven innocent". she said in a serious tone. And now that I think about she's right. We then began making our way over to the group.

"Hey guys" Amara said to them while side hugging Omar  and if you ask me they both look scared shitless

"H-Hey Kianna" Ty said hesitantly while greeting me. See I knew some bullshit was up cause why is he stuttering?

"Hey" I said feeling very much awkward and nervous. "You good?" I ask and he nodded.

"Hey" Omar said to A with a big smile, and she waved back.

In the midst of everything, I looked and noticed that some of his had on a t- shirt with the initials "DK" on it in all caps, and so did some of the other kids. Do these people really think I'm that stupid, and that I wouldn't notice that? Like they walk the school all day every day taunting about my dog, and what they "think" I did. I'm so tired of this man, I mean isn't it enough that they basically bully me about this, but they put it on a t shirt. So while looking at this I grew annoyed and irritating, which A seemed to notice.

"Hey i just noticed your shirt" Amara said to one of the random people that were there.

"Yeah i know right its pretty cute huh? Although i still can't figure what DK means tho" she said in confused tone until someone else came up and whispered in her while looking at me. "OH" she said. Yeah bitch oh, and she started snorting like shit was funny.

"Where did you guys get those from anyway?" I ask them.

"These two girls were selling in the back of the school by the gym yesterday around like 5" she said and shrugged her shoulders. Immediately i knew it was Lola's minions because their all on the cheerleading team, and practice ends from 5-6.

So you mean to tell me that thing that I literally get bullied about is now on a form of advertisement and their selling it for $10? Not even that, these guys are walking around wearing a logo and they don't know what it means. Really, no ones that dumb.

"Excuse us for minute" I said wile pulling A into a corner. "Really? Do these people really think I'm that stupid and that I wouldn't know what that shit meant?" I said pissed off. I'm so ready to go home right now, I just want to leave before I burst into tears.

"Its good thing we found this out before the movie started" she said then looked at me "Hey, don't cry" she said while hugging me.  At this point I didn't even notice I was crying. "Don't cry over this ok, they're just trying to get a reaction from you, they don't know the full story only you and Blaze do, so the best thing for us to do now is take in this information and apply to things we already know. We got intel on Ty and now we know what kind of guy he is. Mission accomplished." she said to me. She's right we got we came for.

"I know, but on a t-shirt though, like they really stooped that low, to where they are willing to publicly humiliate me? What kind of bullshit is that?" Thats why I was crying, because I never expected this out of them. I said rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

"I know. Just petty, immature, and childish altogether, and they all wore them today knowing they were gonna see you. Seems like a set up if you ask me" she said shaking her head.

"Hey everything ok?" Ty asked. while walking over to us with Omar. This motherfucker here yo.

"You must've really thought that i was that fucking stupid" I said while looking at him with a mug on my face. "You pull this dumb ass stunt and you thought it was gonna go unnoticed" i said to him.

"See thats what we wanna come and explain to you" Omar started and Ty nodded "See basically-" he said before i cut him off.

"Look i don't wanna hear it ok! im out lets go" I said in a loud tone making eyes turn towards us and then i got turned around because he grabbed my arm and I snatched it back and slapped him as hard as i can. "Don't ever fucking touch me" I said. And then the girl who whispered to the other girl decided to come.

"Hey you're causing a lot of tension, and its not fair to them or us especially since it's over something you did and just cant admit it" she said and thats when Amara reached out and grabbed her hair and started screaming, and Omar started pulling her back.

"SHUT TF UP BITCH CAUSE WHO TF ASKED YOU? HUH?" she yelled and threw her on the ground. "Take your lame ass back where tf you came from bitch. Lemme go" she said pushing Omar off her. And then we both left the group.

Yeah this night did not go as planned. This is exactly why I don't like people because of bullshit like this. But at least we got what we came for, which is intel on Ty. I don't really see myself associating with him again after how tonight went. I knew I didn't like this dude for a reason, and I guess tonight I found out my reason. At least A (Amara) was there to support and help me figure everything out. Anyways after we left the group me and A went shopping, we ate, and we made some tik toks. So overall tonight was a good night. It's breaking this news to Blaze, that's the hard part. I hope he doesn't get to angry when Blaze gets angry his barking, growling, and his powers get out of control, and it takes him a while to calm down. Fingers crossed the rest of the night goes well.

AFTERMATH⚡️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ