More Chaos

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**Last Time on HIDDEN!!**

**"Oh there's like a hundred papparazzi outside, some one posted that you were and they found out you were and showed like five minutes ago banging on the doors trying to get in and pass the security" My mom said to me, handing me my purse.

And before I knew the back door was kicked open and in came the papparazzi surrounding me with their cameras and questions. Then after that all hell broke loose**

As the people were surrounding me with cameras and asking questions about the interview. Due to the problem backstage the interview was never broadcasted live.  As they were asking me questions I felt myself becoming more nervous. I felt a weird tingling sensation going through my body and it rushed to my hands. I looked down at my haves as I seen as electric bolts surround them. All I know is that I have to leave before something bad happens. So me, A, and my mom push through the paparazzi and find our way the building with them on our ass. The car ride home was very drastic not only was there traffic but the paparazzi would not us leave us alone. What I'm trying to figure out is who told literally the damn world that I was doing an interview, see this is why I shelter my dog cause of shit like this. I knew coming here today would be a bad idea, and I was right.

While approaching our exit on the highway my mom decided to take a shortcut that way get home quicker. The paparazzi only know only one way to our so they wouldn't expect us to take a shortcut. After five minutes we lost the paparazzi and we made it home safely. Soon after that my mom left for work, in came Mariah. *sighs* I guess it's my turn to babysit and watch Blaze.

 *sighs* I guess it's my turn to babysit and watch Blaze

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*Kianna's bedroom*

Speaking of Blaze, I haven't seen him all day. Me and A walked into our room and tried to be quiet since he was asleep, and we both sat on my bed. It was silent for a moment until she spoke.

"Ok, what the hell was that?" She asked.

"What the hell was what?" I asked her acting slow. I knew what she was talking about, I don't know what the hell that was. If I did then I would've been told her.

"Ki!" She said while trying not to yell.

"Girl, don't you think if I knew what it was I would tell you? I don't what happened. I never seen no shit like that before" I said annoyed. What does she want my to say. I'm just as confused as she is.

"Girl please don't tell me you got powers too. I thought you said that Blaze was the only who struck by that bolt." she said in an angry voice, I never told her that I was also hit. "So I'm guessing there's something else that you're not telling me" she said looking at me angry. I've never seen her this mad at me. I know I should've told her sooner but she had just found out about Blaze's powers and I didn't want to give her any more stress.

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