Operation Lockdown

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It all happened so fast. The doors closed, the lights went out, the whole room went quiet. The only sound we heard was the loud beeping sounding coming from the intercoms. All I heard was footsteps going up and down the hallways, knobs rattling, people shouting. As this was happening myself getting nervous and scared and my hands started forming bolts. Meaning my powers were activating.

So we're all sitting in a corner away from the door so no can see us and then A tapped my shoulder and I looked at her.

"Ki, your hands!" A whispered really lowly while looking at my hands, and then I covered them. Me and Omar made eye contact for a second and he looked down and up at me again with a confused look I just hope he didn't see my powers.

"Hey you okay?" I heard Amara ask Omar, and then he made eye contact with me and quickly looked back at her. 

"Huh? Yeah, Im good" He said nervously and started scratching his head and looked back at my hands and quickly looked down again. Which Amara noticed and then looked down at my hands and quickly tried to cover them. 

"Girl, you gotta be more careful, he could've seen you" she said whispering very lowly. 

"I know I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do I'm scared!" I said breathing really hard trying to calm myself down. "Maybe if had some-" I days then seen Amara with a bottle of water in her hand. "Thanks" I said breathing really heavily.

Then the classroom door was banged on making me jump. Then the person shouted and started jiggling the knob and then the door came wide open and someone almost busted in and just starting shouting. " WHERE IS SHE? I NEED TO FIND HER! WHERE TF IS SHE?" The man shouted and then the police showed up and shouted.

"Hey! why do you think you are breaking into a building full of kids? What the hell kind of stunt are you trying to pull? Huh?" he shouted. Thank god the police showed up before something happened.

"Sir you doing understand I'm looking for someone! And if i don't find her im in big trouble" He said while being put in hand cuffs.

"Yeah yeah, tell it to the judge, get him out of here" he said and walked towards our classroom "You guys ok?" He asked and we all nodded "Good you guys ever never gonna see him again. You're safe now" he said  and walked away.  Some minutes later the beeping went off. Then the lights came back on and everyone calmed down. Then the teacher proceeded with the lesson.

*Meanwhile in another state*

"What do you mean you couldn't find them? You broke into the school? Are you that much of a dumbass?" The person asked into the phone. "Ok yeah, that's just great I ask you to find her and your dumb breaks into the school, gets caught and arrested and now my plans, and FUCKING CAREER is at even more of a jeopardy than before" the person said frustrated. "Nothing! You've done enough." they said and hung up and sat down.

"I guess if you want something done right you have to do yourself" they said while looking at the map on the wall. "Alright Crescent City looks like you have a new visitor in town. And I intend to enjoy every second." the person said while looking mad.

*Meanwhile Kianna's Tutoring Appointment*

I decided to move the tutoring during my free period. It was the perfect arrangement since we all have the same free period. Which is 7 and 8th period. Right now I'm in the library waiting on them to come. The tutoring started almost 20 minutes ago. Bruh I swear black people cant ever be on time for shit, it's ridiculous. It's going on almost thirty minutes, and I'm ready to go. Damn I know black people arrive but not this late, how do you show up late but you never left the building? This whole thing is a complete waste of my time. I should've let them suspend me, that would've been a better choice than this.

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