Chapter 1.

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"Why!!!"I shouted.

"Why did it have to be like this!!" I'm really annoyed.

"I loved... him and that bastard cheated on me with this bitch!! "I feel terrible.

"Now I can't even face my colleagues.... Everyone is gossiping about me"

" I worked my ass off for this promotion and now when I'm just about to get it my image crumbled"I murmured while gulping down another drink.

Today morning while I was in a meeting I saw him, Sung Ho, my boyfriend who is also supposed to be my colleague walking along with a new intern who just joined our company two months ago.

Min Chi, a beautiful girl, her looks are really something. At first she used to hang around me calling me 'Sunbae~' *with her sweet voice.

"Blegh" Now it just disgusts me.

A typical office romance was all it was. Sung ho, he was my senior in high school and when we met here we just happened to get close and date. It's only been two years since we started our relationship, which sank in less than two minutes.

"Oy, ojisan*... Give me another bottle also some sushis" I said to the old man working in the sushi restaurant.

"young miss, even though I work in a Japanese restaurant I'm not Japanese I'm Korean besides I'm only in my 50s. I'm not that old" He said annoyed. Well I can't blame him, he had been listening to my sob story for 2 hours straight.

"Alright then Ahjussi*bring me some liquor please ~~" I said. My words came out sloppy.

I gulped down another bottle trying to forget what happened today.

Today morning ~~~

"I think we should end this" says the bastard.

"Oh, I'm really sorry sunbae*. It's because of me isn't it" says the bitch.

These two are getting on my nerves.

"I'd like to know the reason" I said casually.

"The reason is because you don't spend time with me. You're a workaholic. You like to be independent and I feel like I'm blocking your path." The bastard says.

Damn right.

"Oh~ho. So you're telling me the reason you want to break up is because I didn't spend much time with you due to my work?... Well, weren't you the one who wanted to start a family" I walked close to him. Glaring at him.

"Weren't you the one who said we don't have enough money so we should start saving up?"..ahh..he became stiff...

"Weren't you the one who said that you always spend money and can't seem to save it" he's panicking.. Cat got your tongue huh?

"I worked hard to get my promotion so that both of us can start a family just like you wished... You know that very well" He's sweating..

"t-that t-there's a reason" he became so nervous that he started stuttering...

"Just tell me honestly.. You've fallen for Min Chi and you got tired of me...Right?" pathetic bastard.

"I don't want to drag on this conversation any further.. Let's just break up" with that I walked away from our relationship.. from that bastard.

All I can hear while working was murmurs and gossips.. And I know damn well that they are all about me.. Still I don't give a fxck

I got off my work late... I know anyone who just went through breakup would've gotten out early but let's just say I'm build different.
I need that promotion. It's not about that bastard anymore. It's about me and my future. I want that promotion and I'm gonna get it.. So driven by my breakup I ended up staying late..

And when I got off I went to this restaurant where I'm drinking and celebrating my breakup.

"Now I'm officially single" I cheered and laughed like a loonatic..

"young miss, you should stop it and go home. You're already too drunk" said the ojisan.

"What's the point ojisan? I get sobered up whenever I think about that bitch and the bastard"I pouted.

He twitched

"Ah.. I'm sorry Ahjussi"

He still seems annoyed..

"Alright oppa, bring me some delecious sushi then" He looked at me surprised and then laughed.

"Here you go" he brought me some delicious sushi

"And now as payment for your kindness and my apology for misunderstanding your ethnicity.. Here" I gave him my ring.

"my ex boyfriend gave it to me. He said that it's platinum but oh well now it's just useless for me"

"So you're giving me your trash"

"oh come on *oppa~~you can sell it or give it to your wife"

He chuckled and went back to work.

I gulped down more liquor..I want to forget about it..

It's not the bastard that I'm drinking over its about my Rolex watch which I gifted him..
It was worth a lot.. My money.. I can't believe it.. I don't think I'll be able to get over that watch..

"Waiter! Bring me something much more strong than any of these liquors" I said.

A handsome guy came.. Even though I can't make up his face.. I know it in my gut that he's handsome..

I gulped down this strong wine.. And then knocked out..


Hmmm...What time is it now?.. It'll probably be past midnight.. I have to go home too..

I opened my eyes only to see that I'm lying on my bed... Wait a minute wasn't I in that restaurant.. And when I stared at the window..

"Oh crap!" I'm gonna be late for work..

I grabbed whatever I can...

I have to sprint....

Today is the day.. My promotion is to be announced..

As I dashed and was crossing the road...

Someone yelled... "Miss!!! The light is still red"

Hmm.. Red light?.. I stopped dashing for a second and when I turned.. I couldn't feel anything..

I was lying on the road.. Was that a truck? .. I got hit by a truck?.. I was drenching in my own blood..

The only thing I regret now is.. My promotion.... I really regret it... I was this close..

As I was closing my eyes.. I heard someone call my name.. It was a man's voice.. a real familiar voice.. Even if I wanted to know who he was I couldn't.. my eyelids felt really heavy.. All I can hope is that it won't be that bastard..


*Sunbae : Senior.
*Ojisan : old man or uncle.
*Ahjussi refers to a middle-aged man or uncle in South Korea.
*Oppa : older brother.

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