Chapter 5.

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"Father!" I barged right into my father's office.

"I have something to ask of you"

"Right, first sit down Salvarina" He said calmly.

"Father I'm here to make a proposal"

"proposal?" He asked confused.

"I'm asking if you want to invest in my business"

"You're starting a business?.. Well If it's funds you need you can take how much you want"

"No father. I want to make my own money and for that I don't want to use my family's influence. We are what we are is because of our ancestors and just like them I want to contribute to our future descendants"

"I see" He was deep in his own thoughts.

"So father. Apart from our father - daughter relationship. I hope you can invest in my business as just an investor"

"Then let's see" He asked me to show my business plan and I began describing it to him.

"An ice box?" He asked.

"Yes. Apparently father, we can store food in cold place without letting it rot. It's the best preservation technique. Think about all the food that we are wasting" I explained.

"I get it" He answered.

"Do you think nobles care about the food they waste?" He further asked.

"I know that they don't care but their chefs do. All the chefs from proficient families are competing with each other in the shadows. Also even the nobles boast about the expertise of their chefs during tea parties so of course they'll buy it if it'll make them look good "

" That's a great explanation... Alright I'll be investing in it " He answered.

" Great! "

" So where are you planing to set up your office "
I grinned.. "of course, at the capital"


"Mylady, do you like it?"

"Hmm.. It looks quite shabby"

I'm now currently looking for a building which can be set into my office.. I mean trading house.

"It'll look neat once you clean it up. I can arrange people for that"

"Alright then we'll be buying this"

"Mylady, have you thought of a name?" Mary asked.


"What is it?"

"chrysanthemum" I whispered

Mary looked surprised but then her expression became soft.
The reason is... Salvarina's mother, Edith Julia Salvair was known as the chrysanthemum of the empire. She died during child birth. So I wanted her to be remembered through this. I don't know why I did that. I mean I'm not the original Salvarina. I'm Choi Heun. So I didn't have to be this emotional. It almost seems like I'm turning into the original Salvarina.


"Ah mister John, did you bring in new talents"

"Yes, there are twenty in total."

"Great, I would like you to introduce me to them"

So the employees were Mark, Peter, Lupus, Grug, Roy, Amik, Barb, Joy, Lemon, Melvin, Campton, Filler, Fickle, Carter, all of them signed the agreements.

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