Chapter 15.

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I sighed as I got away from the emperor.

Surely it was great talking to him but I was also under pressure... Now, which way did I come from?

I was looking back and forth finding a way to get to my carriage. It's really easy to get lost in the imperial garden huh?

As I was walking I came across two paths and I was confused as hell as to which to choose... There were trees and bushes everywhere.. Is this a garden or a jungle?

Maybe I can activate my high sensations to find someone.. Then I can ask them to guide me a way... Alright now let's take a deep breath and focus.

After a few moments I heard some distinct chatters as well as laughter. It'll probably be the maids!

Thank God now I can ask them for directions.

And just like that I began moving towards the place where I heard the sound.

As I was getting closer I noticed a bunch of noble ladies sitting on chairs and having tea.. Geez.. It was them.. All the more trouble I guess.

I should get out of here without being noticed. My social battery for today is already drained. I really don't want to associate with them.

Let's just crouch down and move slowly through these bushes.

I did it!

I got away without being notice-


I heard a girl's scream. It was coming from ahead of me.

I ran towards there and found a young girl, probably noble, lying on the ground with a few books scattered around her.

She had pink hair like roses, green eyes which symbolises fresh forests and plump lips. She was wearing a pink dress with white laces.

Woah she's a beauty.

I went there and offered my hand for her to get up.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

Her eyes widened when she saw me.. Her face became pale.

Why does she look like she has seen a ghost?.. I mean it's true that I don't really have a good image among aristocratic ladies but isn't her reaction a bit exaggerated.

" U-um.. I'm alright!" She said as she was fiddling her fingers.

Is she scared or nervous?

I glanced down and saw the books lying there. I crouched down to pick it all up.

She noticed this and crouched down beside me.

"You don't have to do this, lady Salvair" She said while picking up the books along with me.

One of the books was open and I noticed some designs of dresses.

"It's fine. You should've asked someone to help you carry it.. They seem heavy" I said.

She looked startled at my words.

We both got up and I handed her the books that I picked up.

"Thank you for your help, lady Salvair" She said smiling.

Wow she's a goddess but what is her name?
I don't remember her name at all.

"Do you want me to help you carry these?" I asked.

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