Chapter 17.

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Also Mirabel's pov

One day the aristocratic ladies came to visit me and had planned to host a tea ceremony in the imperial garden.

I was nervous since I never really fit in with any of the ladies.

But things went well.. The ladies were very nice as to they gave me a lot of advices about being an empress. They even told me that I could visit them for any future advices. They told me what to do and what not to do.
Lady Leiber told me that a lady should always bid by the rules set by her husband and father. I didn't exactly like that but I agreed since it'll make me a good empress.

Lady Leiber told me that she would help me out with my wardrobe as well..She's really kind.

Just when I was about to call a maid to fetch my catalogue which contained designs of dresses she told me that I should fetch it myself since an empress never really took help from someone for such a futile matter.

I agreed and dashed off to take the book but I heard a few ladies snickering.. Were they snickering about me?.. But why?

I seem to be overthinking..

I assured myself and went to fetch the books. The books were really heavy but I still managed to lift them up.

Just when I was about to enter the garden my feet slipped and I fell down.

My back seemed to hurt but I still managed up.

At that time a lady came wearing a turquoise colored dress. She offered me her hand to get up.

To my surprise it was lady Salvair!

"Are you alright?" She asked.

I was scared and nervous.. Will she have a grudge against me?.. Will she hate me?

I was confused but I still took her hand and stoop up.

"U-um.. I'm alright!" I replied by fiddling my fingers.

I don't know what to do now!.. How should I apologize to her?

Maybe I should just apologize directly.. But how!!

When I was thinking about how to apologize to lady Salvair I saw that she began picking up the books that I had dropped.

I crouched down and began picking it up with her. I told her that she didn't have to do this but she replied that it was fine and even told me that I should've asked someone to help me.

But Lady Leiber told me to bring it by myself. Did she trick me?

We both got up and she handed me the books that she had picked. I thanked her. She even offered her help to carry these. Lady Salvair is indeed a mature as well as a capable person. She doesn't seem to hold any hatred nor grudge against me. It was really shallow of me to think that. But still shouldn't I apologize to her?

Just when I was immersed in my thoughts lady Bonnett came and informed me regarding lady Leiber's situation. She also began nagging me while I stood there with my head hanging low.

Lady Leiber also entered the scene and began scolding me. Why was I listening to these harshful comments?. I don't know myself as to why. I didn't want to offend the ladies so I kept quite.

But suddenly lady Salvair stepped forward she made everyone bow to her. Even I can't help myself but bow. She's really majestic. My admiration for her grew more and more.

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