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I walked out of the school slowly, heading for my car. I absolutely hated school. Why do we have to learn? It's shit really, we're never going to use this in real life. "Hey Nick." A high-pitched voice whispered in my ear and I only just managed to refrain from wincing, "Minka." I acknowledged.

The girl sighed, "Oh Nicky, I think you need to loosen up." I looked at her in time to see her smirk, "How about we have some fun?" she asked and I took in her appearance. She had on a white shirt that fit like a second skin, cut so it showed off her stomach. Her skirt was like a belt, barely covering her ass. Her feet were hidden in a pair of blood-red heels, pretty high if I say so myself.

I shook my head slowly, "Not now, Mink. My dad wants me home, and I should have been there ten minutes ago." she sighed, "Okay, Nicky." and sashayed off.

I groaned internally. Minka was a handful, even though she slept around with the majority of the male wolf population at Riverside High School. Ironic name, really, seeing as the river did run right next to the school.

As I walked to the car I get several 'Hey Nick's or, 'Yo Nick, wassup's. Ugh, our school, I swear. My car was a black Ford pick-up, no enhancements or crap, I hate it when people mess up a truck like that. I pulled open the door and began to get in, though, as I breathed in the most intoxicating scent met my nose.

Vanilla and oranges, I thought, though, I was never good at that kind of stuff. I spun around quickly, trying to find it's owner. My wolf was howling loudly in my head, repeating the one word I'd never thought I'd hear. 


I'd never given much thought about a mate, I always preferred my single ways, only hooking up for one-night stands. Even that was occasional. 

But this, this was different. I'd found my mate, my other half, my forever. I could have laughed at how corny that sounded, but at the time, I didn't care.

I couldn't find the girl, though so many of them crowded the parking lot. It's as if she was hiding, trying to make sure I didn't find her. Not that I minded of course, I loved a good chase.

Slamming my car door shut, I began making my way across campus, following the scent of my mate.

Then, I saw her. A small brunette, skinny, but not too skinny. She had soft, peach-colored skin. She has sitting up on the bleachers, watching some boys play football, swinging her feet.

That was when I noticed just how small she was. Tiny, is the word I'd used. Absolutely minuscule. Probably just under 5 feet. Of course, my wolf thought that was the best thing in the world, her height. He loved the fact that we towered over her. He couldn't wait to get to hold her.

I snarled lowly and her gaze flickered quickly to meet mine. As she looked at me, I noticed the confusion floating in her light brown eyes. Her lips formed a slight 'O' before her voice floated across to me, "Mate."

I motioned with my finger for her to follow me before turning on my heel and storming away. I didn't want her. Not someone so weak. She'd never be able to lead a pack. 

I settled myself against my car, noting that there were a minimal amount of people left in the parking lot. Small footsteps reached my ears and I turned to look at her, "What's your name?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Synn." she said. Her voice was light, airy even, "Well, Synn, I.." I trailed off, not knowing how to put this. The best way, I figured, was to not beat around the bush, "I don't want you, I have never wanted you, and I will never want you. I reject you as my mate as of now, and you will not speak of this with anyone else." I said clearly.

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