Chapter 22.

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It's been two weeks since I started the training for inheriting the dukedom and Claire is getting used to being my assistant.
She's quite efficient I must say. She's been doing most of my work without complaining.. She's like me in most aspects.

As a result I've been ditching most of my work on her and have been concentrating on my training as well as finishing the books which I had purchased with Mary.

Currently I'm attending a class with lady Umberdale, a women in her forties with slight wrinkles and who is also a countess, to refresh my knowledge on the divison of power within the empire. It's quite interesting if I say for myself.

"Lady Salvair, first I'll have to access your knowledge on the empire's power division so may I know what you've learned?"Lady Umberdale asked while adjusting her glasses.

"His majesty the emperor has two duchies supporting him.

The Salvair duchy is in his faction. To be precise there are four prominent duchies. The Winderwurt duchy in the north, the Salvair duchy in the west, the Castria duchy of the south and finally the Vakaracia duchy of the east. The Vakaracia duchy is quite a peculiar duchy since it's the sole duchy who has the possession of the magic tower. This duchy bears magicians, socerrors, great wizards, alchemists and anything related to magic. The current archmage is also from this duchy. The Vakaracia duchy is neutral in terms of power.

The Winderwurt duchy in the north is also neutral given that they secluded themselves from the rest of the empire. They are antisocial I guess. The Castria duchy of the south bears knights and is loyal to the imperial family as well.

Judging by the power balance it is true that the imperial family does hold enough power to reign but.... the aristocratic faction which is under Marquis Leiber is against the imperial family. Even if it can be suppressed it causes a political turmoil within the empire. " I finished reciting everything I thought I knew.

" You are indeed correct, mylady "Lady Umberdale praised me for my vast knowledge. It's because of the horrendous empress training that I went through.. well not me really but since I have memories of it I can say that it was horrendous!

The class went on about two hours and we ended it there and decided to pick up tomorrow.

I have the rest of the day for myself! I began skipping to my room and met Iglo reading more BL. Geez this worm.. Can't he take a break?

"Iglo, Are you busy?" I asked while walking towards him.

"Yes I am...don't interrupt me master" Iglo responded.

Sometimes I just want to feed this worm to the crows.

"Yeah well... I'm going out and you're coming with me" I stated.

"Yes.. Wait -" Iglo tried to refute but it all went in vain as I took the wiggling worm and put him in my sachet.

"Stay there and keep quite" I ordered him and changed my dress.

I was wearing some pants along with a shirt and a coat and tied my hair in a ponytail and also took my infamous black hood...All set to go on incognito!

I took the sachet and went outside the palace while leaving a note for Mary. I hope she doesn't get mad for leaving her behind. Can't help it I wanted to explore a little......

I was walking around the capital while visiting numerous store..

'Hey master, what's that? I want to try it!'

Iglo was sitting on my shoulder and ordering me around while using telepathy.

'hmmm.. That's a sandwich' I said and walked towards the stall.

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