CHAPTER 8: Thinking Out Loud

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Ella POV

I woke up to a nice smell coming from the kitchen. I look at my surroundings and I don't see Max. It's already dark outside. But, the lights from so many buildings outside are beautiful. How long have I been sleeping?

I remember I had a dream. But, it's blurry now. I just knew I was being cozy with someone. But, I don't remember his face.

I got up from where I was to head to the kitchen. The closer I am to the kitchen, the hungrier I get. Whatever it is being cooked, I bet it must taste really nice.

That is when I noticed Max. Standing with his back facing me and he is shirtless. I gulped at the sight of his muscular back and arms and his jeans hanging low.

Wow. He is beautiful.

I let out a small cough to let him know that I'm there.

He turned around but was still working on the pan. "Hey, have a seat. Dinner is almost ready. I hope you like beef."

My eyes landed on his V-line and abs. Wow. He is beautiful front and back. And, I bite my lips to stop myself from drooling.

"You are a little under-dressed for the kitchen, don't you think?" I said as I sat on one of the chairs at the kitchen counter. Trying hard not to look at him as I said it. But, deep down really wanted to stare as his sexy V line.

He turned around and smirked. "You have a problem with me being shirtless, Ms Adam?" He then puts the pan aside, still having that smirk on his face as he takes two plates from the kitchen cabinet.

"Well, I probably have seen better. It is just kind of distracting. And, I don't think it's kitchen-appropriate." Really? Is that the best you could come out with?

Max grinned wide at my comment. He placed the plates in front of us. He took two wine glasses and poured red wine on them. I try hard to keep a straight face and focus on his face instead of his half-naked beautiful muscular sexy body.

That V-Lines.  Oh boy. I'm in big trouble. I bite my lips again and look at the food he placed in front of me.

So he made fried beef in some kind of sauce with caramelized onions. I love onions. And, baked potatoes.


So, the man is not only beautiful but he can also cook. What else, can you do Max?

"Don't you just like to find out?" He looks at me with a big smile on his face.

I choked and coughed on that. Oh, Good Lord, did I just say that out loud?

He nodded "You did." He laughed.

Oh my god. I looked away. Earth, just swallow me already!

"It's good to know that you like the food that I cooked. But, I'm not quite sure how to feel about you finding me beautiful though." Him emphasizing the word 'beautiful', still smiling big.

Well, it's refreshing that you find me amusing Max.

"You really need to work on your thought and mouth coordination."

"I fucking said that out loud again, didn't I?"

Max nodded, leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on my lips. "Don't swear, it doesn't suit you." He caught me off guard. I didn't see that coming. I reached for the wine and took a few gulps at once.

"This is good. What is it?" If you can't win a conversation, change it to a different direction.

How is it even possible that his six packs still look as good as there were, when he sits? Don't a little bit of belly fat normally just appear when you sit even though you are fit?

Shit. Focus, Ella. Focus.

"It's Fontanafredda Barolo from North Italy. It works really well with beef." He licks his lips as he sips his wine.

Oh boy. I wonder what those lips can do.

"I have assigned a nurse to come tomorrow. She will come at around 9am." He continued.

That's really not necessary. I think I can take care of myself.

"Okay." I don't feel like arguing with Max on this one.

I'm too distracted. I take a few more sips of the red wine.

What's it called again? Fontana what?

We talked a bit more after dinner. I think if we have to live together for a while, it's good to at least know more about each other.

"So, how come an attractive, successful man like you don't have a girlfriend?" Did I just ask him that?
It must be the wine. It is a good wine.

"I did have a girlfriend when I was in college but sometimes when you thought you knew them well, they proved you otherwise. It was a long time ago though. Of course I did have a few flings here and there on and off. But, that was it. Nothing serious."

"By the way, did you notice you just admitted that I'm attractive?" He continued as he gave me a wink.


Max laughed so loud his face went red.

I cupped my mouth.

Shit. Definitely, the wine.

"Yes, hun. You said that out loud too."


Someone years ago used to call me that. Hun. I remember loving the way he called me hun. I remember missing him a lot. For some reason, it makes me really sad. I closed my eyes. Hoping I would remember him. Whoever this man was, he must have been really important in my life.

Max tilted my chin up. "Hey, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

I shake my head. I open my eyes and take a few more sips of wine. "You just called me hun. I remember it sounds familiar to me. Someone used to call me that. I can feel that he was very special to me." I can feel my tears dropping.

"Hey, don't worry about it. You will slowly remember. And, we will figure things out. I'll be with you all the way." He comes closer and wipes my tears with his thumbs.

"I don't understand. And, it's really frustrating. I can feel his presence and special moments. But, at the same time I don't really remember who he was or what it was."

"It's alright. You will get there." Max said as he cupped my face in his hands and kissed my forehead before he hugged me tight.

And, just like that I knew that things will be alright.


My dear readers, so... How did you like this chapter? Do you have a thing for V line too? ☺️



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