CHAPTER 10 : The plan

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Mike POV

So, apparently my mate is smitten with the woman who saved him and he has been ignoring my invites for night outs. And, he has been spending most of his time with her. I'm not surprised if there's something going on with the two of them. He is probably going to deny it, but anyone can see it. Just the way he treats and looks after her, explains it all. It's been a while since I saw Max with a woman. Can't blame him for his trust issues after what that bitch of an ex-girlfriend did.

I have no problem with Ella. From the hours I spent at the hospital looking after her when Max was in some meetings; she seemed like a really nice girl. Anyone who saved my mate like that, deserved my respect.

It's two in the morning and I'm still at my club waiting for Dylan who is currently in town.

"What can I get you boss?" One of the bartenders asked as soon as he saw me.

"Jack Daniel."

I looked around the club and spotted Dylan flirting with two girls at the entrance. He waved when he saw me. One of the girls giggled as he whispered something in her ears. And, they didn't look too happy when he walked away leaving them.

He is such a flirt.

"So, where's Max?"

"Oh, he has been busy." I smirked at the thought of what Max was probably doing right now. Probably sleeping nicely after tired babysitting.

Dylan frowned. "Doing what? Or, must I ask who?"

I grinned "Babysitting"

"Well, apparently he was joined at the hips with the girl who saved him the other weeks." I added.

Dylan laughed. He took his phone out and started dialing. I reckon, it's Max he's calling.

"I was told a certain girl has her fingers around you."

I hold myself from laughing. I wonder what Max's reply was.

"Come on, man. I won't be in town long. We are at the club. Don't be a pussy." Dylan continued. I can't help but laugh so loud at this.

Dylan hung up with a big grin on his face. "He said he can't wait to hug me and show me how much he loves me."

I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. "Right. Nobody can deny your charm."

Dylan nodded in agreement. "That I must agree, my man."


Dylan is in town and he is at Mike's club right now. After the new thing I learned of Ella and her ex and all the emails I read, it would be good to just relax and drink with my mates.

As soon as I got ready, I went down to her room and knocked.

No answer.

I knocked once more. Waited for a minute or two before I decided to just open her door.

I found her on the bed. She is sleeping soundly underneath her duvet. I walked over to her to give her a good night kiss on her forehead. She surely sleeps a lot. Probably from her pain medications or could be from the alcohol.

Shit. I hope she wasn't taking those pills after all the alcohol she consumed at dinner.

She rolled over to her side with her front now facing me.

Sweet mother of lord!!!

She isn't wearing any top! 

I gulped, but I couldn't seem to look away from her chest. She has a nice pair of round perky breasts. My trousers are getting tighter just by looking at her. 

I need to get out of here before I start doing something really stupid.

It only took me fifteen minutes to reach Max's club.I couldn't get the image of Ella sleeping naked out of my mind. I'm in so much trouble.

Big trouble.

"My mannnnnnn!!" Dylan came over to me as soon as he saw me and he had his arms wide open to hug me with a big grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him with one arm. "Get off me, you idiot."

Mike and Dylan both laughed.

"So, what got your knickers twisted?" Dylan asked.

"Not getting any from her?" He continued.

"Shut up." I waved him off as I walked straight to the bar.

"Wow. Now, I really can't wait to meet this girl." Dylan whispered to Mike. 

They both have tears in their eyes as they just can’t seem to stop their laugh.

They walked up to the first floor where the VIP area is. Four girls who wear skimpy dresses come to join them not long after they sit. 

A red head with wavy long hair sat next to me. She is quite pretty. She has one of her hands on my thigh, and I didn't stop her. Maybe this is what I need. It's been a while since I had sex. Fuck this red head and maybe it will help straighten my head out.

"So, how long will you be around for this time?" I asked Dylan. Mike is busy making out with the blonde on his lap.

"Long enough to have time to meet your girl. I must say, I'm pretty excited." He grinned.

The red head started rubbing my thigh and kissing my neck. She whispered something in my ear, but I wasn't paying attention to her. My brain is too busy with the image from earlier. 

Her breasts. Her messy black short hair. Everything about her.

I face the redhead next to me who's literally begging for my attention. I give her a quick peck on her lips. My action makes her excited. But, it does nothing to me. I feel nothing.

I lean forward and grab my drink. I drink it in one gulp.

"You seemed disturbed. Business or pleasure?" Mike asked. The blonde is no longer on his lap.

I wave to the bartender at the VIP room to bring me another drink. Mike has his brows up. Still waiting for my answer.

The red head moved her hands higher. I grabbed her hand and gave her a stern look. "Leave."

She was surprised. I guess she didn't expect that. She turned to look at Mike and he nodded. She pouted before she left the room.

"What's going on man?"

I shaked my head. "It's nothing." I dismissed him. Drink down another glass of whiskey. And, asked for another one.

Somewhere after the fourth glass, I came up with a plan. A brilliant plan.

You are mine, baby girl.

I had Sebastian come and drive me back to the penthouse an hour later. I'm not drunk. I just don't make it a habit to drive after I've had a few drinks.

It's been a long night. I just couldn't be bothered to shower. And, I go straight to her room.

Yes, it's part of my plan.

She is probably going to hate me. Or she could probably fall for me. This is the risk I'm willing to take. I take my shirt and trousers off and just leave my boxer on. And, I joined her in bed, underneath those comfortable duvet. And I move closer and wrap her in my arms. It is a good thing that she is in her deep sleep. Maybe this plan would work.

And, it doesn't take long before I fall asleep.

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