CHAPTER 11: The morning after

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Ella POV

I woke up this morning with a terrible headache. I open my eyes and close it back. Too bright. I try to roll over and get up, but there's something heavy on my waist. It feels like someone's arm.

Shit!! I got up too quickly from the bed and landed on the floor. "Ouch!"

"Ella? Baby are you okay?" Max got off the bed and immediately reached my side.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. He is only in his boxers. I look down at my chest.


I cover my chest with both arms. It's a good thing I still have my panties on. "Why are you in my bed?"

"You asked me not to leave." He scratches his head. Even in the morning with messy bed hair he still looks so damn gorgeous. I look up at his boxer. His V-lines. My jaw dropped.

Oh my god! "Did we... ?" We sat in silence for a while, then he gave me a small nod.

Oh my god! Really? How is it possible for me to not remember anything if we did? How much did I drink?

I remember having dinner, drinking wine, then we talked and then I remember something last night and I got sad and I drank a bit more. I don't remember getting into bed.

Did he undress me? Oh shit!

"Look, I'm just going to carry you off the floor okay." He said as he squatted next to me.

I felt a little tingly as he put one of his arms underneath my knees and the other on my back. I quickly covered myself with the duvet, as he put me back down to the bed.

Max sat next to me. He places his hand on my arm. Then, his thumb starts rubbing my arm gently. I probably look stupid right now. This is so awkward.

He lifts my chin up to look at him. "Are you okay?"

I nod.

"You don't remember anything from last night?"

I frown then shake my head. I must have look really really stupid right now.

"Have you got a headache?"

I nod.

"Come on. Talk to me. Tell me what's in your head." He looks at me expectantly.

"I don't remember how we ended up in bed together. Sorry. This is too much to take in." I look away.

"Hey, it's alright. We'll work it out." He kisses my shoulder.

Oh boy. I take a deep breath as I close my eyes. Even a simple gesture like this already makes me nervous. How was it like when we had sex? Must be the wine. I need to make a mental note to stay away from alcohol.

At least you ended up with Max. Not just some random guy. My conscience add.

"Hey, I'm going to go back to my room and get ready okay. Your nurse should be here any minute." Max grabs my face in his hands and kisses my lips. This time his kiss is different. It's not just his usual quick peck. It's deeper and longer. And, I respond. I can feel him smiling. Then he kissed my forehead.

I love kisses on the forehead.

I run my fingers on my lips right after Max left. It feels tingling. In a good way. I don't remember ever being kissed like that before. But then again, I don't remember much about anything.

For a start, I don't even remember what happened last night! Ella, you need to get your shit together and focus!


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