Chapter XXXXI

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The kids had come to therapy sessions again on Sunday, Beyoncé had hoped that Blue would tell Gabrielle what was bothering her.

She'd questioned Blue the night before, but she just brushed it off, Beyoncé obviously knew there was something wrong there and hopefully she'd get to the bottom of it.

"How you doing, Blue?" Gabrielle had asked once Blue had taken her seat, she looked a bit distant like she had for the past couple of days, tired even.

"Could be.. better—" She had cut herself off with a yawn, the only thing on her mind at this point was sleep!

"Your mom told me, you've been quite distant for awhile now, care to share?"

"I don't really want to tell you anything honestly." Blue shrugs "I know you'll go tell her and honestly it'd hurt her feelings, I don't want that."

"You know we have a confidentiality policy right, whatever is said in this room doesn't leave this room unless completely necessary."

"I dunno but if you tell and I find out it won't be pretty." Blue says glaring at her which in all honesty to Gabrielle looked like that of a feisty kitten.

"I promise I won't tell a soul." Gabrielle says with a hand on her chest, Blue rolls her eyes at that.

"Okay fine, I've.. I've been trying to find out where my real mom is okay, I don't know where she went to, she just up and left one day and I haven't seen her ever since."

"And you haven't told your new mom's about this?"

"What'd it look like?" Blue asks sarcastically.

"You know you don't gotta be so rude I'm actually just tryna help." Gabrielle says not letting Blue's rudeness get to her.

"Sorry." Blue mutters apologetically "I just feel a little weird about telling them or well her, I don't want either of them to feel like I don't appreciate them, I just want to know if my real mother is still alive out there."

"You don't associate this woman with any trauma of yours?"

"No not really, I mean I dislike her in some way because she never spoke out when our father would hit us but then again she was drugged up most of the time." This was the first time Blue had shared anything personal with the woman, it made her feel a bit.. lighter.

Although she did say she wasn't gonna reveal anything to the woman, she actually felt comfortable telling her, Gabrielle listened she didn't interrupt, she didn't judge. She just listened, and gave advice when needed.


Later that night after dinner, just after Beyoncé had tucked in all the kids she'd decided to speak with Blue about her behaviour.

"Can I come in?" She asks knocking on the door to which Blue says a little "yeah." in response.

"We need to talk." Beyoncé says taking a seat on the bed where Blue Ivy was already wrapped in the blankets about ready to take a nap.

"A-about what?"

"You know why we need to talk Ivy so don't act oblivious, we talked about this yesterday but you didn't reply to me, now I was hoping I'd get a reply." Beyoncé says sternly yet concerned "You've been distant lately and I'm worried about you, just tell me the truth is it someone at school? Or somewhere else?"

Blue nods, "Someone at school."

"What happened at school?" Beyoncé asks calmly although deep down she was just about ready to pull up to that school if necessary.

"We were doing a family tree project at school a-and some kids at school m-made fun of me for being adopted." Blue Ivy mumbles quietly although Beyoncé still heard everything crisp and clearly "T-they said that my parents didn't want me no more.. and I know it's t-true but it still hurts s-so I tried to find where my r-real mom was but..."

"But what?"

"I don't want you to feel unappreciated because I love you a lot and mommy too, I just wanted to know if my r-real mom was still alive, I'll stop if you want me too."

"Why would I ask you not to look for your mother?"

"I d-dunno."

"I'll help you look for your mom if that's what you really want okay, you just have to tell me these hings, you don't always have to keep everything to yourself, you know I'll support you hundred percent in whatever." Beyoncé smiles pulling Blue into her chest as they share a hug.

"T-thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for being a good person." Beyoncé chuckles placing a kiss on her forehead.


Beyoncé couldn't get all too much sleep that night, she'd acted like everything was cool when she was with Blue but honestly she felt a bit pained that Blue would want to look for her real mother... Was she not doing enough?

What am I thinking?! I could never be a good enough mother to those kids they'll always want their real mom anyways.. the thought was making her restless.

She couldn't fathom the thought of the kids leaving her, over the past couple of months she'd grown a bond with them that was just too strong to be broken.

Hell Nicki would take it way worst than her, but she knew that she couldn't be selfish and deny her kids the right to see their mom.

Even if it hurt her a lot...

She'd called Nicki later that night and told her all about the day including the recent events, Nicki looked a bit taken aback by that revelation but nevertheless agreed to it.

She'd get her team to look into it.


So I've been gone... =_=

There's just a few chapters of this book left. I'm quite excited to be over and done with this so I can focus my energy elsewhere..






Blue wanting to see her real mom?


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