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You open his bedroom door with one hand, the other holding a bowl of grapes. You walk inside and make your way across the room towards his desk.
You set them next to his keyboard, he glances at the movement next to him and smiles at you, mouthing 'thank you'.
You walk back across the room and sit on his bed. You look back over to continue to watch him play CS:GO. You can hear Eric curse and yell through Ash's headphones, making you laugh silently to yourself.
A few minutes pass and you start to get bored. You dont wanna stop Ash from playing because he seems to be having fun and you dont wanna take that away, but you want his attention and something to do.

What if you can have his attention while he plays the game?

You smirk to yourself and stand up, walking back over to him.
You stop right behind him and gently wrap your arms around his shoulders, causing him to jump a little. "Sorry" you giggle quietly, resting your chin on the top of his soft hair.
You can practically hear his smile as he continues playing and talking to Eric, laughs and curses continue to fill the room.

You reach for one of the grapes but "drop" it. It rolls under his desk. "Shit, sorry" you get onto the floor and crawl under his desk to pick it up. Except, you stay under the desk.
Ash is so invested in the game he doesn't even notice you're still on the floor.
A rush of nerves hits your body as you slowly reach for his thigh.
He flinches as you gently rest your hand on it.
He backs his chair up a bit and looks down at you, 'what the fuck are you doing?' he mouths.
You just look back up at him and smirk, not saying anything back.
you hear a voice come from his headset, 'Ash? Are you there?'
He looks back up at his screen. 'Yeah I'm here, sorry. I was…doing something'.

You pull his chair back forward and gently place a hand on his thigh again. He looks down at you again, still with a confused look plastered onto his face. You ignore him still, starting to gently rub his thigh.
He adjusts in his chair and you start to feel the nervous tension fill the room. You move your hand up to his hip and continue gently rubbing.

A silent 'why do you sound so nervous?' comes from his headset again, making you smirk.
'Uh nothing…nothing I just…I just….uhm…i-'
you cut him off by tugging on his belt buckle, making him go completely silent. 'What? What the hell is going on with you?' Eric questions.

Ash looks back down at you with panic on his face. You look back up at him with a sly smile.
"Go on, tell him. Or would you rather him not find out?" You whisper. He just sits back up and tries to contain himself. 'Nothing, I just got really nervous all of a sudden. I haven't eaten anything today so that's probably why, sorry.' You hear a small laugh and an 'it's okay' from his headset.

you fixate your gaze back onto his lower half. You start to undo his belt, making him close his legs a bit, the pressure slowly growing in his pants. You bite your lip and fully undo the belt, moving onto unbuttoning and unzipping the rest. You gently tug on his jeans. He lifts himself up a little, giving you enough access to pull them down. He sits back down and tries to relax, the missing layer and the cold air on his legs making him a bit uncomfortable.

You try to calm him a bit, placing your hand back onto his thigh and gently rubbing. A bit of time goes by and you move your hand back up to his waist, one finger playing with the waistband of his boxers. His pressure gets more intense, struggling to push through the fabric. You tug on his waistband and once again, he slightly lifts himself up off the chair. You pull the fabric down, and his dick springs to life. He sits back down and leans back into his chair, the cold air on his newly exposed skin sending shivers down his spine.

You gently lick his tip, the taste of precum fills your mouth. His legs close a bit once again. You grab onto both of his thighs, gently but firmly, and spread them back open.
You continue to kitten lick his tip, making him trip over his words and stutter even more. Because of his excuse earlier, Eric brushes it off–for a while at least.
You put the entire tip into your mouth, swiveling your tongue around the slit.
He inhales sharply and misclicks a button on his keyboard, causing him to die in the game.

'Fuck' he whispers 's..sorry…sorry Eric.'
'You fucking suck at this game bro' Eric laughs.
'Well damn I'm sorry that i-MMFUCK-' you cut him off by putting more of him into your mouth. 'Ash, are you sure that you're just nervous? Is there something going on?' Eric's tone changes as he starts to get concerned. 'No I'm sorry I…I don't know what's…. what's wrong with me right now-' Ash looks down at you with once again, a panicked look on his face.

You just suck faster, causing him to take one hand off his keyboard and cover his mouth. He tries to hold back his whimpers as he continues to struggle to play and talk to Eric, multiple times being made fun of for being "bad at the game".

You finally decide to put all of him into your mouth, causing you to gag silently. He throws his head back and covers his mouth with both hands. A quiet whimper escapes him. 'What. The fuck. Was that.' Eric questions once again. Ash doesn't answer, he can't risk letting another noise out.

'Alright bro there is something hella weird going on with you right now, do you need me to leave?'
Ash shakes his head–as if Eric can see him–and lets out a small 'mm-mm.'
'Alright, I really dont know whats up with you today Ash, but its fuckin weird.'
He takes his hands off of his mouth and again, tries to continue the game.

You take him out of your mouth and take one hand off of his thigh, moving it to the bottom of his shaft and slowly stroking it.
'Mm-F-FUCK-!' he moans out loudly, biting down on his lip as an attempt to mute his sounds.
'What-' Eric's voice is cut off as Ash clicks a button, deafening himself on Discord.

You put his tip back in your mouth, still gently stroking him. He gently grabs the back of your hair and guides you along while you suck. You swivel your tongue back over his slit again and he tightens his grip on your hair. He lets out a soft moan. You slowly put more of him back into your mouth and he guides you along at a faster pace, soft moans and whimpers continue leaving his mouth.

He suddenly thrusts his hips forward, harshly sending his dick to the back of your throat. You gag and tightly shut your eyes. 'Fuck- s-sorry' he quietly moans out, starting to thrust into your mouth more gently this time.
You speed up the stroking and he throws his head back, 'F-FUCK y/n MM-' he struggles to form the sentence.

'Mmph- I'm-I-I'm g-gonna c-c- mmfuck- I'm gonna cum-' he whimpers, gripping onto your hair even tighter, his thrusts getting sloppier. You speed up both sucking and stroking, and prepare yourself for him to release. He does, a warm liquid shoots into your throat, a low moan coming along with it. You take him out of your mouth and swallow, licking the rest off of his dick and your lips.

He lets go of your hair and looks down at you. He slowly pushes his chair back, giving you plenty of room to crawl out. You get out and stand up. You gently grab his chin and kiss him. 'Good job baby' you whisper, 'let's get you cleaned up now, okay?'
He nods, you take him by the hand and help him up, his legs shaking but still able to walk. You slowly lead him to the bathroom for aftercare.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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