Chapter 45

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Tawny did NOT have a good night's sleep.

Despite the comfortable accommodations, she awoke in a worse state than when her head had hit the pillow. In fact, all the pillows migrated to the floor during the night, implying that her slumber had been exceptionally fitful.

Nevertheless, Tawny exited the room and made her way to the dining room where a breakfast spread had already been prepared and waiting for her.

The sun was just peeking from the horizon; a sliver of golden sunlight escaped through into the window and gave the dining room an ethereal glow, different from the previous night.

Professor McCurdy was sitting at the table, not yet fully dressed; he was in a white sleeveless undershirt and comfortable-looking flannel pants. As he sat he read the newspaper.

Tawny blushed; though he was wearing clothes, seeing her teacher in such informal, casual wear made it feel like she was observing him naked.

As Tawny approached the table, he took notice of her and set his reading down. "Miss Matthews...good morning."

"Good morning," answered Tawny, sitting across from McCurdy at the table.

"Please, help yourself," said McCurdy. "I trust that you slept alright?"

"Oh the dead," lied Tawny, as she spooned some fluffy scrambled eggs onto her plate.

"That's wonderful," said a voice. Tawny turned her head to see Rebecca walking toward the table, wearing a plush royal purple robe that came down to just below her knees. She stood beside her husband, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It must be all the fresh air. Whenever I'm back in my own bed, I have the most amazing dreams."

This kickstarted a latent memory in Tawny's brain. "Actually," Tawny said. "I did have a dream."

"Do tell," said Professor McCurdy, pouring a cup of coffee from the aluminum moka pot on the table.

Tawny looked at her plate struggling to remember. "I was on a boat...a really old, large one that creaked a lot...and on my shoulder there was an angry parrot that kept screeching in my ear, going 'Aah, ahh, ahh!'...not the most relaxing dream, I'm afraid."

She had intentionally left the part out about her friend and mother hanging on for dear life. When Tawny looked up, she was suprised by both of the McCurdy's reactions.

Rebecca gnawed on her pinky finger, and her professor had his eyes determinedly fixed on his coffee, which he sipped in silence.

Both of their faces seemed uncharacteristically red as they avoided eye contact with Tawny.

Tawny was confused. Then she mentally played back what she said in her head...


It was Tawny's turn to become the same shade of red. Everyone had no choice but to embrace the uncomfortable, awkward silence. At last, Professor McCurdy cleared his throat, which Tawny took as her excuse, however feeble.

"I gotta get ready," Tawny said, standing up abruptly. "Thank you for breakfast."

"Yes, quite," responded Professor McCurdy, but Tawny was already high-tailing it to her room.


The awkward silence persisted, even as Professor McCurdy drove her back to Westinghouse Manor.

She understood on an intellectual level that he and Rebecca were a married couple very much in love. But still, to have their throes of passion invade her dreams, to even CONSIDER her professor in such a compromising position, especially with someone other than herself....

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