Chapter 5

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The door opens and I continue strumming even after he freezes. I know he's glaring, but I don't give two shits. He adds a sigh but I just keep to going letting the song relax me in a way nothing else can.

"I think you need a break" Conner sings going into the bathroom. I smile and put my head back against the wall and thank god I did because when he comes back out shirtless I about fall off the bed. My eyes glance back down to my hands needing to focus as he stands in front of me just wearing his pajamas pants. Pants that laid way to low on his hips. He's giving me too much. Feeding my dirty imagination way too much. His perfectly tan skin. His beautiful muscled body- god.

"Callum please I can't deal with this after practice. I'm irritated and tired. Those fucking newbies think they run the field and want to plan all of the plays" he starts to rant. I look up with a a great idea. He catches on to what I'm thinking, shaking his head with a breathless laugh.

"Can't you put your little toy away and be silent" his tone is teasing. I take the invitation and start to play louder. Hardly any louder, but enough to be noticeable. The appalled look I got in return makes it all worth it.

"Callum" he questions me and I continue with my antics strumming slings to a song I know by heart.

"Callum" I continue with the pick in my hand going faster and getting louder. I return I receive a look but instead of stopping, I horribly start to sing more like shout along. This is a song that I can tell he doesn't like just by the way his face drops.

"Callum!" He shouts, but I keep it up. The volume increasing. He doesn't like and ambushes me, jumping onto my bed. Conner attacks me and I let out a startled noise while he starts to pry my guitar out of my hand.


"I'm holding this thing hostage for the rest of the night!" He lets me know. I whine and groan trying to get my guitar back now. Standing from my bed I go over to where he's keeping my precious away from me. When I first attempt to reach for it he slaps my hand away getting a pout from me.

"Conner" I can't help but whine.

"Let's see if you can last the night without it. Maybe I'll cuddle close to it in my sleep? Should I give it a name. He seems like a... Will. Yes this is William the Fourth minus Three" I stare at him completely appalled by what he's saying.

"You just gave my guitar the most boring name in the world!" I couldn't tell if I was more offended by him stealing my guitar or naming him that!? Why am I going along with it!? He's hot- so what's. Slap him Callum! Get your guitar back!

"That's what you get for being boring" he huffs before turning on his bed, his back to me as he tries to hold the guitar to his bare chest. I watch as he tries to make it seem like that is comfortable.

"Conner give it back. I'll put it in the case and stop playing with it. I promise" I sit on his bed my fat self touching his bareback.

"Boring and annoying" he makes sure to add. I lean over him reaching but quickly sit back up when my chub presses against him.

"I hate you give it back!" I whine pushing him slightly.

"Night Night Callum" he pretends to snore. I scoff before slapping his shoulder.

"No not night night. I'm not letting you fuck up my guitar! What if you break it!?". I get silence. With that I slip to the floor to think.

"I'm not letting you sleep then. Not till you give it back" I make it known. He huffs but doesn't say anything. So I do the reasonable thing and reach over to poke him in the back. Was it a reason to touch his perfect tan skin? Maybe. Definitely.

There's a gruff noise from him and I swallow sitting up. I need to make this not so weird. So what do I do. I poke him harder and move to get his side making him flinch up as he tries to smack me away holding in his laughs. I don't stop though.

He starts to toss himself around a bit unable to get away from me and my poking turned to tickling.

"Cal- Callum stop! Stop!" He shouts but I don't.

"I'm not great at listening, but if I were to be given my instrument back..." I trail off.

"Fuck- yes fine! Fine! Here here! Stop" his legs had been kicking everywhere making a mess of his bed. I decide to be nice and have mercy on my poor roommate who is left breathing heavy.

While he's sprawled out on the bed I carefully steal my guitar not named Will back, and quickly put him up. Double checking that it is snuggly put in place in before snapping the case shut. With that done I bury it under the little room we have under our beds.

When I stand back up Conner is sitting up in bed his arms crossed. I turn to him completely and cross my arms as well, raising an eyebrow. He sighs before picking a pillow back up from the ground and tossing it onto the bed.

"How aren't you hot?" I suck in a deep breath not wanting to answer that.

"I don't know my body is weird" I murmur and the look on his face gives away that he doesn't believe that.

"Maybe some of us just don't like sleeping naked" it was a stupid comeback considering he still has pants. He knows it is stupid too.

"Well that's fine, but do you at least have shorts or a t-shirt? If you don't you can just ask man. I've got plenty of shit, so you can definitely use some of mine" he offers and god his kindness is no helping my crush. Go back to making fun of me for being annoying.

"I'm okay. I like wearing layers" I assure him. "You might like it now, but you'll get hot tonight. I don't want to wake up to you moving around and having to change because you didn't listen to my wonderful advice" he explains and I roll my eyes. Of course it's for him. Yet his rude self still isn't making the crush any better. Fuck I really need to move rooms.

"Callum?" My name is called and I come back too, turning to stare at him instead.

"Do you need something Conner?" I lean forward giving him an annoyed look.

"Ohh what's going on now? Are you annoyed with me? The annoying- being annoyed?" He gasps and I step closer not being able to stop myself from getting one more touch as I shove his shoulder pushing him away. The oaf falls back with a very unmanly yell and I laugh as he lands on his bed clearly frazzled. The pretend angry look I usually would get is replaced by some weird look. One that I can't really read.

"So no changing?" He clicks his tongue while I nod very slowly hoping it'll help him get it through his head.

"Fine. You are... how do I put this... so fucking annoying sometimes, but it's fine" he inhales taking a deep nose breath as if I'm actually causing him some sort of damage.

"Put you hair up at least"  he tells me and for some reason instead of being resistant I just sigh and grab the hair tie off of my wrist.

"Actually can I?" He asks. I stop mid way through dropping my hands and as much as my body tells me not to... don't let him touch you. You can't let those feelings grow.

"Yeah" I give in going towards him and finding myself in a very awkward predicament as I look at my sitting options. Will he stand? Should I sit on the bed- ground? I'll sit on the ground.

I sit snd turn my back to him and about groan as he shifts closer his knees going on either side of my shoulders. His hand goes in my hair just messing with my curls for a few moments. There's complete silence between us and god damn be still my beating heart.

God I'd let him kill me with his thighs- okay calm down Cal you haven't even been kissed before. Let's not think those things.

"Hair tie?". I hadn't even realized he had put my hair up. I reach back to give him the hair tie which he hastily takes grabbing some of the hair out of my face.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach when I notice how much better he did this time.

"You've gotten better?" I whisper, turning back to watch his smirk grow.

"Oh I know, I'm a master of all trades!"

"Never mind you suck"

You Play the Field - I Play the Strings ✔️Where stories live. Discover now