Chapter 18

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It's been two days and life's been great. I've managed to get ahead in my stupid resources class. All because I have no boyfriend distracting me. I've actually gotten stopped a few times by people who have asked if we are dating and then been told how cute we are so that's made me feel great. Still I'm trying to work on my figure a bit more.

Not really because of what those assholes have been saying, but more to make sure Conner looks good. He's worshipped around here he needs a worthy looking partner.

That being said I grab my newly bought reusable water bottle and hurry down the stairs to the common area where I can fill the bottle up. Satisfied I turn to hide myself in our room once again.

"Hey fatty" I can't hide my groan as I let my head fall back.

"Hi Cash" I answer anyway turning to look at the smirking man.

"Man I've been so bored with Royce and Jerron gone at their football game... so I've come to you with a proposition- well question?" He starts his words sounding absolutely stupid as I just glare.

"I was wondering if you swing my way because I can't get it out of my mind what it'd be like to tap that ass of yours. Bet fucking those thighs of yours would be phenomenal." His words make me step back in disgust. My face goes red out of embarrassment and downright shame

"Cash please stop. That's disgusting and inappropriate. I didn't want to hear any of that and I don't want to do any of that with you. Yeah I don't want to waste any of my time or energy on you" I tell him straight. He huffs crossing his arms.

"Why don't you use some of that energy
to lose some weight." He smiles which leads into a laugh that he attempts to hold back as my heart begins to crumple.

"Dude just shut the fuck up. For the love of god. I really just- I don't usually hate people but damn it I wouldn't mind if you got hit by a car." I'm practically fuming at this point as he just stares at me blankly. Blinking in silence like an absolute idiot. Once my words are said I stomp off and hurry up the stairs until I'm safe in my dorm room where I slam the door shut.

When I feel safe inside of the solidarity of my room, I take a few drinks of water before setting that down and searching for my phone. I grow angrier at the fact I can't find it and starts loudly cussing as I throw things off of my bed.

"Okay calm down. It's okay" I remind myself taking a deep breath. Where could it be. Where was I. I take a moment to think and immediately groan at my idiocy. I was on his bed.

Stalking over I flop onto Conner's bed and let myself bounce, cursing as I immediately find my phone. Sitting back up I scroll through my very small amounts of contacts before pressing my mothers. A check up.

The phone hardly rings before I can hear my mother's cheery voice.

"Hello sweetie" I smile at the soft words something I needed after being stuck talking to Cash even if it was just a minute or two.

"Hi Mama" I hum into the phone, but she catches on.

"Something going on?" I can't help but sink in on myself.

"I was wondering if I could talk to dad or Emery. Just a little pick me up?" I ask being left with a minute of silence as she thought.

"Of course but can mama know what is causing you to need a pick me up?" She asks her voice tiny and caring like if I were there she'd curl me up in a hug. A tight hug. Something I really want right now.

"These three guys keep making comments on my weight and looks. It's irritating becasue then they try to like touch me... mama they keep making uh sexual advances all while calling me a fatty and I just feel so stupid and insecure" I tell her everything. She's my mom. I listen as she sucks in a deep breath and continues to think .

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