Chapter 24

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"Why does your location say you're in a whole different state!? The other side of the country right now!?" Mama's voice is accusing. I hurry to bud in not wanting her to think I just ran away.

"I'm in Florida right because I get a free ticket for the football games. Since I'm dating one of the football players- I get a ticket and can just stay with him. It's awesome I get to travel for free basically!" I tell her waiting for her to go on some huge rant about how jealous she is or something, but it never comes.

"He's so sweet and nice to me Mama. It's great. We've actually been dating for a while like a few months." I admit something I have been trying to tell her.

"Callum Emmett Ream! You are suppose to be focusing on your studies!" There goes the ridiculous full name. Followed by accusations that make my heart break. I sit onto the hotel bed letting my fat-ass self sink into it.

"Mama I've still got A's I'm doing good. I promise I'm just having s bit of fun." I reassure her, but that doesn't seem to calm her at all.

"You can't fuck this up for us- you can't!"
I can practically hear her breathing. She's angry. I fucked up.

"Mama I've been working hard I promise. I've been saving as much money as I can and I've been sending all the essay money back. I promise I'm trying" I tell her not understanding why she's mad. I haven't done anything wrong.

"Yes of course we know and we're so grateful sweetie, but emery is a growing boy and it just isn't holding us over at all anymore." I hold my stomach and bite my lip. This isn't right how is extra money not holding them over. We were doing okay when I was there and now there's one less person and more mommy- what is going on over there!

"I can see if I can get a job or something." I whisper. Her breath of relief makes me feel better. She's happy. Good. I don't want to end the call with her upset again.

"That'd be splendid... now about your dad. He doesn't seem to be home right now. So how about I have him call you later?" She asks and I instantly feel bad when my brain calls her a liar. She wouldn't lie. I just want to talk to him so badly.

"Please don't waste your time frolicking around with some boy. I'll talk to you later, okay sweetie? I love you" she tells me and my mouth opens and close as I try to think of the words to say.

"Mama I love you too, but I love h- and she hung up on me" I huff tossing my phone onto the one bed I am sharing with my boyfriend.

"Callum?" Another voice startles me and I quickly fall out of my own sad la la Land. Shit um he's here now!

"How long have you been in here?" I ask turning back to him completely. He's leaning against the wall his arms crossed and brow furrowed.

"A minute or so. I heard the conversation if that is what you're worried about" I gulp taking a hesitant step back. Shit.

"I'm not going to do what she says. I could never break up with you. I love you." I tell him and he drops his arms, letting them relax against his sides.

"Prince, I wasn't worried about that. Trust me I wouldn't let you go without a fight.". He steps into my space, his hands going to my waist.

"Oh okay. I just I don't want you to think I'd just leave because of her. I love my mama, but I don't want her taking away things that make me happy. If anything I should know that I'm a grown adult now and she can't keep controlling me... well as much" I answer sheepishly. He puts a bright smile on his lips.

"That's right baby boy. You're the one in charge" he tells me and I hug him tightly happy that he agrees with me.

"I gotta ask though..."

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