Chapter 30

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"Oh god I'm scared" those are the first words that leave my mouth as Conner takes my hand and helps me out of the jeep. He just smiles, closing my door and going to the back. I follow close behind not ready to meet the people probably already waiting behind the door.

"Are there more than just your parents here?" I motion to the four vehicles in the driveway. He pulls both our suitcases out giving me a cheesy smile before shutting the trunk. I go to grab my suitcase, but he pulls my hand away and kisses it before grabbing my suitcase instead.

"My uncles, cousins and their kids. Sorry" he apologizes before running for the door.

"CONNER PENETH!" I yell immediately running after him my school bag on my back. The door flies open, and I scurry behind him no longer mad just scared.

"Conner my baby!" I recognize his mom from the pictures. He happily hugs her having to bend down to her level so she can leave kisses all over his face.

"I missed you too mom" he chuckles. Seconds later there's like 8 kids screaming his name as they all rush down the stairs. He hurries inside and pulls the suitcases in shrugging his bag off just in time to be tackled I count quickly and find only 4.

"So, you are Callum! Oh, you're even cuter in person. Conner talks to me about you all the time. I absolutely love you!" She pulls me inside and closes the door.

"Can I hug you? You've been treating Conner so well and you're just such a blessing I can tell already!" She continues already holding onto my arms.

"Of course. If anything, your son has been the real blessing, treating me wonderfully. You've raised him wonderfully" I tell her before being squeezed in a hug.

"Mom, may I introduce my sisters and well I guess 2nd cousins?" Conner pulls me from his mother who he looks so much like. Madeline, I believe. She is short and she's got this teddy bear kind of weight to her that just makes you want to hug her. With tan skin and the same curly black hair as her son. I already know his eyes are from his dad.

"Line up" Conner teases and pulls me into his side. The kids line up I assumed oldest to youngest as I stay close to him.

"These are my sisters. Myah and Kadeline. This one is Shiloh she's my cousin Rhea's daughter. My other cousin Dante has Teddy who's this wonderful young man." The kid strikes a pose and I chuckle. He looks to be 5 or 6. Shiloh seems to be closer to 10.

"His other son is only 1 his name is Leo. Now you guys this is my wonderful boyfriend Callum. Isn't he beautiful?" Conner asks squeezing my side.

"Aww you guys are just so cute!" One of the twins speaks up and the other nods jumping up and down. Within seconds I am surrounded by the four kids and pulled into a giggly hug.

"Hey!" There's a loud shout and Madeline groans leaving the room. As she leaves a tall man walks into the room with long blonde hair and beautiful down sloping blue eyes. The same as his son.

"There's a smaller man on his one side and then a man who looks just like him besides the short brown hair. Fuck I want to go home. The shortest of the three rolls his eyes.

"Stop looking so scary. Teddy and Shiloh, your parents want your help setting up your guy's rooms. Think you can do that?" He squats down to pick the only boy up.

They all hurry to leave and the brunette follows I assume his husband like a lost puppy. They must be Holden and lovesick Kayson.

"Conner welcome back" he's pulled into a hug, so I step away. He pulls away from his son who had basically said a quick thanks and missed you.

When his eyes land on me I feel like I can taste the disapproval. My heart sinks and I swallow hard my hands balling up at my sides. It can't be because of my weight. Conner said his mom is on the heavier side and in the pictures Kyan and her look so lovey dovey. It must just be me. My looks? Speak Callum speak.

"Hello, my name is Callum." I give him my hand, nothing about me confident. He looks at it but doesn't shake my hand back.

"My name is Kyan. I'm Conner's dad" he nods, and I put my hand down letting my hair fall over my face as my head falls slightly, no longer able to hold it high.

"I know, Conner talks about you a lot" I try to joke, and it seems to work as he sends his son a look.

"All good things of course" I smile, and he nods turning to his son.

"So, you do love me" he teases his son who nods and punches his dad's arm.

"Yeah, now be nice" he swats his father who then opens his mouth to say something but is cut off when somebody shouts Conner's name.

"Your sisters missed you a lot. Go hang out with them. They've been going crazy with you gone" his dad sighs and he nods hurrying to where one of his sister's had called for him. Calling out their names like he might be annoyed even though he is obviously not.

"Now you" My smile falls and I step back.

"I just want you to answer a few questions" he tells me, and I feel my pulse speed up.

"Okay" I'm not sure what else to answer with.

"Have you guys ever gone roller skating?" It this about him doing roller derby.

"No... not yet. I'm sure we will though" I tell him honestly and his expression is unreadable.

"Well... have you gone to Clario's?" I've never even heard of the place. I shake my head no while my fingers mess with the bottom of my shirt.

"Do you drive?" I shake my head no again.

"Well do you go to Conner's away games?" I smile happily and I apparently nod a little too fast, since he sneers at me in return.

"And what do you do for my son?" My hearts rips at that. What do I do for him?

"I- well I keep him company. I help him with homework and essays, and I would always play him songs on my guitar." I list off those few things and he puts a hand over his mouth as he thinks before turning to our bags.

"Why don't you take these to your room since you couldn't carry anything before. First thing you did when you got here was scream at him" he scowls. I quickly put my backpack on again, grabbing the suitcases.

"It was jokingly I promise" I tell him, but he refuses to make eye contact.

"Up the stairs third door on the right" he tells me before walking away. I hurry up the stairs struggling with the suitcases but trying to be quick and not loud. Which was impossible. When I finally get up the stairs, I about run for the third door on the right. In there is a bed with dark green blankets and comforter which matches the green kind of scheme in the room.

I smile at the room and step in, putting our suitcases to the side. I set my own backpack down as well and that is when I see the bed of blankets and pillow on the floor. I close the door and slide down the tears finally falling from my eyes.

"He hates me. I messed up. I knew I wasn't good enough I knew it" I cry into my hands, but quickly shut up when I remember that there's a lot of people in this house. Maybe it would be better if I stayed up here. No, I don't want them to think I'm being bratty. I quickly wipe my eyes and hurry back down the stairs following the loud chattering of everyone greeting everyone.

I really don't belong here, do I? I can feel the glare as soon as I walk in the room and my eyes sweep over the room until I find Kyan. He has got two adults in front of him. I'm assuming his nephew and niece just from their ages. They must be Rhea and Dante. With them looking at me I send a quick wave getting an eye roll in return from the woman. I swallow down the crying feeling and back away. I think I'll just stay close to the wall. He said it'd be okay. I thought it would be okay.

"Hey baby" an arm wraps around me from the side and I'm pulled right up next to him.

"Hi" I muster up the courage, looking up at him. He's so happy here.

"Cally baby you look like you're about to cry any minute. Are you okay?" He asks and I nod.

"Cry? No, I'm good. I just yawned" I wave it off.

"You sure?" I nod again and he narrows his eyes but doesn't pry.

"Let me introduce you properly to Alex and Trevor. Their daughter too. Oh, I've also got to let you meet with Kayson and Holden. They like you already though!"

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