Chapter 39

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"I've got some exciting news!" The door had just burst open. I had shrieked slamming myself against the wall previously having been on my bed like the lazy ass I am.

"A nice hello baby would have sufficed" I snap.  He closes the door before crowding me on the bed.

"Hello baby, I've got some exciting news" he lays me back over all of my papers and I groan hoping they won't be too fumbled.

"Well would you like to tell me what this exciting news is?" I ask, his perfect lips kissing my cheek a few times.

"Mmm I don't know. I wanna spend time with you now. Just missed you so much" he explains a hand running up my side.

"I saw you yesterday morning?" I remind him. He groans before dropping his head into my neck leaving many kisses over my pale skjn.

"Don't remind me. I get back last night and you're asleep. I can't get in bed with you because I didn't wanna wake you up and the bed is too small for me not to irritate you. So I just went and slept by myself. Then I had to get up and go to school before you. So really I haven't seen you at all. I missed you" he complains moving down slightly to kiss my shoulder and rub my chest.

"You big baby- if it bothers you that much wake me up. I won't mind. I also want you to be happy"
I sit up again and he gets more comfortable planting his feet on the ground and spreading his legs. Like the man child he is. I watch with an amused look as he pats his legs. I roll my eyes, but just do it because I already know I would have given in eventually. One of my arms goes over his shoulder and my knees go on both sides of his thighs, relaxing onto his lap.

"Can I please know what had you so excited now?" I ask a hand now grazing up his neck and playing with the bottom of his hair.

"Sure just answer this, what did you eat today?"

"Didn't have time yet" his look turns to concern and then a bit of irritation. I sigh setting my head on his shoulder to pity myself.

"Didn't have time? It is 4pm" he reminds me a hand climbing up the back of my shirt.

"Let's eat dinner together today" I attempt to fix it. He sighs at first but gives in.

"Okay we can go down at 5? Sound good?" He questions.

"Perfect, thank you" I give him a kiss and he pulls away a look of some sort of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Conner don't be sad... tell me why you were so excited... please?" I whisper cupping his cheek and making sure his eyes are on me.

He smiles and nuzzles into the warmth of my palm closing his eyes momentarily.

"You know how your birthday is in two weeks?" He asks. I groan dropping my head back.

"Yes you won't let me forget silly" I chuckle, running my fingers through his hair.

"Well we got our schedules finalized after the rescheduled game and we're going against Texas that weekend... so of course I want you to come with me and I asked for some extra tickets for your parents and brother!" He exclaims as my hearts stops.

"Really!? Conner! Thank you! Thank you so much! I love you so much! Thank you!" I squeeze him against me in a hug and he squeezes back.

"Of course. I just want you to be happy" he tells me, but I shake my head.

"No. I- It's not fair! What am I suppose to do for you! I don't do anything! This is not fair! I just... Conner thank you but what am I suppose to do?" I whisper as his other hand slips under my shirt squeezing my sides before rubbing my back.

"My Prince I'm here to make you happy. That's my job. Make sure you get what you deserve. Don't think about it too much okay. You do so much for me. I'm so lucky to have you. Obviously you must see how excited I get just walking into the room to find you" he explains. I grumble anyway dropping my head back on his shoulder.

"Tanya in the library a few days ago... she said I've become more confident. Do you think so?" I ask continuing to drag my fingers through his hair,!just a gentle touch.

"Of fucking course. The way you hold yourself or walk. The clothes you wear whether you have to hype yourself up or not. When I take pictures you smile and pose but you use to hide away. I begged you to strip a few layers and now you'll willingly wear shorts. You aren't scared to let me touch you. I'm so thankful for that because touching you quite literally fuels me through my day" he sucks in a breath while squeezing my side. I just lean in pulling him into a quick kiss.

"You use to let Cash push you down and I know he still does sometimes but you also just threaten to kick his dick a few days ago so I call that confidence! Also you literally made a friend! That's confidence baby boy!" He continues while I scoot closer into his lap hugging onto him tightly.

"You would have never gotten onto my lap Cally. Now here you are. Love having you on top of me... and I mean that in every way" he murmurs his eyes going to my lips before moving in again, definitely wanting more than a soft kiss if I can tell anything from his gaze.

We both pull back a bit as a phone vibrates. Conner manages to pull his phone out revealing a Face-time call from his mom. I yelp and hurry to get off of my boyfriend but he holds me still. With a curse I just hide my face in his neck as he answers.

"Hey mom!" He greets her. I dig my fingers into his shoulders. Face time! She most definitely sees me if he's showing his face right now.

"Hello my baby! Is that Cal? It better be- hello Callum!" His mother's tone changes a few times in that sentence. I sit back before turning enough that I can see the screen and Madeline's happy face. She had propped her phone up on something, in the kitchen. Seems like she is cooking.

"Hello Madeline" I give her a shy smile and she gives me a little wave.

"You cooking dinner?" Conner asks. She nods moving to cut up the carrots.

"I just wanted to talk to you about us coming down. Do you think next month? One of your last home games?" She asks. He readjusts putting his hand up so that the screen can see him... and the way I'm literally buried into his shoulder.

"Sounds good mom, just tell me the actual dates and I'll make sure not to do anything and I can plan something to do as per usual" he tells her before turning his head to kiss my cheek.

"You look so cute, cuddled up to me" he tells me and I smile reaching over to place my hand on his arm. I rub my thumb over his skin and god is he warm.

"Yay. I'm so excited. Callum you should come with us for our family day trip! Whenever we end up going this time" she cheers through the phone having moved to resume whatever she was making.

"Oh- I'm not sure- I just don't want to pertrude-"

"Nonsense! You're coming!" She tells me and I slump into my boyfriend who's hand continues to slide up my shirt rubbing my back.

"Okay, thank you for the invite" I tell her as her husband steps into the kitchen hugging his wife from behind. He gives her a kiss on the cheek before asking what's for dinner. I smile, wondering if Conner and I will ever be like that? She answers him and then he looks up, his arms firmly wrapped around his wife.

"Oh- hey kid. Hi Callum" he gives us that weird dad nod. I suddenly feel extra insecure on Conner's lap and attempt to slide off again. Conner keeps me still.

"Hey dad"

"Hello" both of us speak to him.

"What did I walk in on? Bad or good conversation?" He chuckles and Madeline laughs at her husband before turning to kiss his cheek.

"Good. We're talking about our visit next month. Callum is going on our day trip with us" I freeze at that my eyes going wide as I watch Kyan's reaction.

"Oh that's great. Yeah... do we even know what we're doing yet?" He changes the subject and I look away just defeated. What if they cancel their day trip because Kyan doesn't want to go with me?

"Not yet, but we can discuss it now!"

"I say we go skydiving-"

"Conner for the hundredth time no"

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