Chapter 59

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"A hidden place just for us," I sing low into the microphone, a song I've written and sung hundreds of times – 'Our Secret Place', song number 5 on my first album. It's a quiet and soft song, literally about our little alcove we had in college, the college I graduate from next year.

"Tears and laughs kept it all ours," I start to go up the scale as I sing, adjusting the headphones on my ears while trying to deliver the song to perfection.

"Our secret place where I taught you guitar, our secret place where you helped me not fall apart," my voice wavers, a stylistic choice, as this album is very emotional and I tend to like putting my emotions into my music.

We officially released a song last month as a teaser for the album. I mean, it was already findable since it was the one from long ago that got me scouted.

I continue to sing, not worrying about the music for once because that was all added afterward. I can't hear anything from out there, but I can see people pressing buttons and adjusting volumes, testing things.

I also see when the door flies open, making my agent flinch as he whips around, immediately relaxing when he sees it's him. I of course smile and relax even more. Conner is out of breath, a look of worry settled on his face. He starts to frantically mouth things, but the others quickly settle him down.

Is he okay? I cock my head to the side, trying to focus on singing while also motioning to my agent about the boyfriend I'm now worried about.

He sends me a thumbs up, and I nod, continuing to sing. When the song ends, everybody outside starts to cheer, somehow loud enough that I can hear a little bit of it.

Richie leans forward and presses a button before speaking into the microphone.

"I think you did it! That sounded perfect! Come on out!" I take off the headphones with one of the biggest smiles I can manage before practically jogging out of the room. I set the headphones on a table, and moments later, I'm wrapped in a hug. The hug leads to me being picked up and twirled around as I just laugh, gripping onto my boyfriend for dear life.

"You did it!" He sets me down, not even letting me answer as he pulls me into a kiss. I kiss back but quickly pull away, remembering the many people in here.

"I did it!" I cheer back, and the others around us also cheer.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier," he whispers, just rocking us back and forth.

"Conner, you've been here for hours with me some days, it's okay. I know you care. I know you tried to get here, and you made it for my big achievement of finishing it, so thank you," I tell him quickly, not wanting him to feel guilty.

He smiles at me before opening his mouth to say something. His eyes flick to the side, and instead of saying what he wants, he just turns us so we're both facing the others. Richie walks forward and takes my hand, shaking it.

"You did amazing, Alicia will add your guitar to it and the other instruments that we prerecorded, and it will be burnt into the CD. I'll send you the first CD, and you can tell me if it is good or if you want to redo anything," he tells me, his face serious.

"You're so close!" Ra'mi, a beautiful woman who does all the tech, practically jumps over, her tight curls bouncing with her.

"We are!" I make sure to include her in all this hard work that we all did.

"Ra'mi is right. If you like everything on the CD and we get the okay, we'll have your album released by the end of this month. I just sent the text to the producers, and they are going to start sending out more tiny samples and publicizing some things about the album just to the public on board. I've got a feeling this album is going to sell real good, and you won't have to worry about Conner being the only money maker now," Richie sends me a wink as I huff and playfully push at his shoulder. Ra'mi laughs, knowing I've complained about that multiple times as Conner begged me to forget how expensive things could be.

"You're still going on about that?" Conner squeezes me in his grip as I mutter not happy words towards myself now embarrassed.

"Nope- not anymore," I smile as the others get back to work. Richie getting a call and quickly answering it. I do a little shimmy out of my boyfriend's grip and pack up my stuff.

When I'm all ready and say some quick goodbyes, I turn to Conner, getting the hint that he's not letting a conversation slide and we are going to talk about some pointless thing in private.

I huff, and he smiles, grabbing my bag from me just to carry it out. I grab his arm, holding onto him as we walk out the doors. I'd been here since this man dropped me off at 7 o'clock this morning. I could have driven myself, but Conner wanted to pick me up. Who knows, he just has those days where he has to drive me, and I let him have it.

Once we get to his jeep, he walks to my side, placing my bag in the back and opening the door for me. I buckle myself, and he smiles, leaning in to steal a kiss, his hand going to my thigh.

"You're so lovey today," I whisper after he had pulled away, leaving no space between us.

"Just crazy about you... and so happy for you. It's happening; this is going to be a huge step. My boyfriend is a little celebrity now," he tells me as I lean back into him.

"Conner, I'm not that well-known. Like a small-time artist possibly for now," I fumble with words, but he shakes his head.

"You heard Richie; he said you've got radio material," he refuses to let me be humble about the music I'm making.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see," I shrug it off, looking the other way to hide my flustered face. He's making me seem all important and stuff, and it's weird.

"That we will," he kisses my turned cheek before double-checking I'm in and shuts the door. I watch as he walks around the front of the Jeep, watching him in his fancy suit, what once was slicked back hair a bit messier now after a day's work and our mini celebration of me finishing the album.

I don't stop my staring when he gets into the vehicle, turning on the ignition and buckling up. Instead, I just continue to stare until he's handing me his phone to play music for the drive home. I wordlessly do so, and he starts to back out of the parking spot. Once I've found a playlist I want at the moment, I set his phone down and grab his arm, just holding it, something I've been doing a lot lately. This has become a routine thing by now.

"How was work-"

"Oh my god, Cally baby, no. This is a you day! An album, baby boy, an album! This is amazing. Like are you tired because if not, I'll go take us to dinner right now. I want to celebrate," he takes his eyes off the road for a second to look at me.

"I'd love to, but I'm kinda gross right now." It's true; I had gone in to recording wearing flannel pajama pants, a giant shirt, and eye bags from being too excited to sleep the night before.

"Nonsense. You look as beautiful as you usually do. So, dinner? Wherever you want? Clairo's, you like that place and I do, so win-win!" He cheers as I squeeze his arm.

"But pajama pants; that place is so fancy," I remind him, getting a quick shake of the head.

"I can give you my clothes? If you really want to change. Or we can go home and change too- oh yeah, that's actually smart," he chuckles to himself. I nod before leaning back into the seat.

"Hey, Cally. You know I like to take care of you, right?"

"Oh, here comes the talk," I sit right back up. He laughs at me but continues anyway.

"Even if you made no money, I would still love you the same, and I have no problem taking care of you. Taking care of us. It never bothered me; you still tried and you did help, but no matter what you will never bother me," he assures me as I bite back a smile.

"One day I'm going to take care of you, don't you worry... just wait."

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