New Approach

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<<Long Caster to HQ,mission failed,the Alicorn is sinking,we need help>>

<<We got it,we will send rescue ASAP,please monitor the area>>-the HQ answer

<<Roger that>>

On the sky above the sinking Alicorn,the F-22s of Hawkeye squadrons flying in circle,cover for the men to escape.Above the water surface,the submarine had lean its body to the right at 30 degree,sinking fast.From the ship,several rescue boats had been shot out of the body,carrying the lives of hundred of sailors,but there is still people remain inside the ship,their fate is still unclear.

"The Alicorn is gone...Our home is gone..."-one sailor look on the sky-"But we are still alive,thank to them,it would be better if they can save the ship too"

"I know,but as long as Captain Torres is still alive,we will still follow him and our ideals,no matter what,but where is he?"

"Where is the captain?!Torres!...The railgun is charging,everyone!Look!"


From the sinking submarine's 600mm railgun,the Alicorn made its last shot,50 degrees to the sky.A few minutes later,another rescue boat launched from the body of the ship.

"Captain!Why you were so late?Where did you fired?"-a man said to him through a loudspeaker

The captain fix his wet black tie,cleaning himself with a crisp white sheet.Torres proudly standing on his boat,sail it to the group of men awaiting him,when he join the rest of the crew,he take away the speaker that man used to talk to him and announce:

"Sorry for making you wait,but the last shot of the Alicorn,is to where we and the Chinese first met"

Shanghai port,China

"So you're telling me that the Liaoning is sunk by a single large shell from the Alicorn,but that submarine was destroyed and is sinking too?Confirmed?Fine,that is an acceptable loss,I will report this to Beijing"

Hzang-the high command of PLAN-who was redeploy to Shanghai after the sinking of Shandong,and also is the man responsible for this attack,he gazes at the merchant ships outside his room.From this harbor several days before,a group of warships was sent to destroy the Alicorn,under the command of him,they had successfully commence a devastating strike on the sub,sink it,with a reasonable cost.

"Hah,the result is better than expected,secretary,bring me the wine bottle under the carbine,we will celebrate today"

But the mood of him gets down quickly as something appears.


The window he once look was broken,on the outside,a shell breakthrough a dozen large crane,pushing them to fall down,into the merchant ships,their weight down the ships and pull them down the waves,crushing them.Then a huge explosion emerged,set a giant merchant ship into flame.Hzang soon realized the weapon that was shot against his nation,the one that taken down Liaoning:

"Those bastards,they could still retaliate?Call the air defense,put all assets to active state!"

On the sky above Alicorn

<<We're back...oh...the mission is over....>>

>>It was not your fault Trigger,you were sent to intercept the airfleet from Japan,and you did a good job>>-Long Caster appease-<<In fact,it was not anyone fault either,the Chinese prepared a larger force than we expected,they have some help too>>

<<Back to the sea you go>>-Talisman make a mourn-<<May you rest,in quiet slumber>>

The Alicorn disappears into the blue,moments later,a column of water lifted up from the ocean,leaning the rescue boats on the surface above.Then,there is a silence.

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