Chapter 1

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In this chilling moment, time stretched thin. Fireworks faintly boomed in the distance, but it was the warm coastal winds and dark waves of the gulf drowning out Mary Jo's cries. His actions bewildered and terrified her, forcing her down onto the sandy shore, muffling her grainy screams with the coarse embrace of Texas soil and cool sand. Panic set in as he invaded her body, mind, and soul, punishing every inch of her with all the hate he harbored against her for years.

The shocking realization of his betrayal pierced through her like paralyzing lightning, leaving her vulnerable, weak, and half-naked after fighting back. The anguish intensified, confirming suspicions surrounding his disturbing nature and wicked soul. Overwhelmed and exhausted, she struggled but eventually succumbed in vain to his overpowering strength, desperate for it all to end before it was too late.

Lost in the darkness, a distant set of headlights approached them on the beach, offering a glimmer of hope. It was a beacon of the night telling her that she would survive this. With her very last ounce of adrenaline and strength, she mustered out a scream that came out as nothing but a dry squall. "Theo! Theo, please!" she pleaded for someone—anyone—one last time to save her. However, her last plea was quickly met with an abrupt, brutal force at the back of her head. After three powerful blows, she saw stars while her body lost the fight. Her eyes flashed a vicious red and white before everything faded to a soundless midnight blue, and she hated knowing he had ultimately won the battle between them.

* * *


"Delilah! Get in here now!" The echo of my boss's voice, sharp and demanding, pierced the office air like a blade to my throat.

My heart skipped a beat as I rose from my cubicle, dread creeping through my veins. Shit, what now? I rolled my eyes and stiffened, my steps heavy as I approached his door.

Entering his corner office, I met with his dark gaze and a grim expression. It seemed to be all he had for me lately—condemnation and disapproval. I was beyond sick of it.

"Come in. Shut the door," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

I complied, blocking out the monotonous drone of keyboards and mice clicking from the surrounding cubicles.

Rolling away from his laptop and pulling some papers from the printer next to him, he approached the other side of his desk with a folded newspaper. None of us had our own offices. Just Dom, short for Dominic Rajeski.

I hope he doesn't try to ruin my Friday, I thought just before I sat down in one of the brown guest chairs at his desk. I glanced out the window like I always did, the only pleasant thing about visiting his office. Dom was also the only one with a window view of downtown Austin, something the rest of us only wished we had.

He took a sip of his coffee and frowned at the contents. "Dammit. It's cold. I waited too long." He sighed and set it aside.

Great, something else to keep him in a bitter mood.

Seated before him, I braced myself for the inevitable reprimand, knowing it was likely about my work for the Austin American-Statesman. His eyes bore into me as he spoke, wasting no time in getting to the point.

" know I'm not one to beat around the bush, so I'm going to shoot it to you straight," he said, leaning toward me from the other side of his desk. "You're not doing so hot lately, kid. Everything alright?"

I hated when he tried to approach me like that, like he actually gave a damn about my private life, my mental health, or anything like that.

So I answered the way I always did when he asked me. "Yeah, why?" I retorted, my voice tight with frustration.

Killing Me Softly: A Thriller Romance Novel [FIRST DRAFT]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz