Part 4 - She cares too

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On various social media platforms, a new viral topic had taken over like a ruthless tornado. Numerous hashtags concerning the outbreak suffocated the internet. No one seemed to have knowledge about the virus itself or how it had exploded abruptly or how.

Majority of people, both local and abroad were posting via their social media accounts about the dire situation which was slithering silently around and inside the city. Others included pictures of themselves en-route to their villages as they dared outrunning the infection. People were so scared all over the city as some even dared to post near-graphic videos and pictures depicting the true image of the situation brought about by the unknown, invisible demon.

Some of the posts read: "Zombie virus outbreak", "escaping zombie infection" and some others posted "End of the world" or "Biological war unleashed!"

I and Liz were unable to pinpoint which exactly among the streaming posts and hashtags was any close to the truth. Since our city was the only one affected, we decided to mimic Mr. Mark by freeing the city too. We rushed inside my house to gather some of my things. Not like i had a lot of stuff anyway.

We had almost finished gathering everything portable at the middle of the restroom when we heard loud siren wails. We halted the task at hand at once and rushed outside as quickly as our legs could manage in order to check what was going on.

And there it was, a police van, mounted with huge speakers on top its roof. The van was not moving that fast and not too slow. When it neared our estate and just close to my house, the sirens died out and a soft but not feminine male voice pierced the air.

"Attention all residents! This is police and you are all urged to stay indoors until evacuation team arrives. Close all the doors and windows and don't open for anyone. You're also urged to not panic and maintain calmness as the situation gets controlled. The team will transport you to the nearest safe zones or camps where you'll be kept safe and taken care of. So, please, you are all thereby urged to comply. Thank you and be safe"

And announcement having been delivered, the van then continued on to the next estates.

"Do you really believe them?" Liz queried staring absently ahead.

"Nope. But who knows...perhaps they are right though still, we have to get out of the city" I answered turning towards the house "And we better hurry before the said evacuation team comes this way and get bundled up into those safe zones"

Liz didn't waste any time and she followed me hurriedly back into the house. After everything had been assembled together, I then rushed out to my car. Settled behind the wheel, i quickly engaged reverse gear and started reversing the car towards the front door to my house.

I was about to crash the door unknowingly when loud bangs sounded from the back of the vehicle. I quickly engaged emergency breaks and after investigating via the rear mirror, i realized that it was Liz trying to warn me of an eminent crash if i didn't stop the vehicle.

After ensuring there was enough space between the vehicle's back door and the door to my house, i stepped out and joined Liz in stuffing the most essential things inside the car. And since my car was a small Noka model, there wasn't enough space to pack everything we had assembled. We only managed to stock  few items like my clothes, blankets, mattress, canned foods, bottled water, some medicines and what not. After everything was set, our journey then commenced.

But one thing troubled me the most. The way to our village was on the other side of the city. So we had to pass through the city amid the raging chaos. At the moment, we actually didn't know exactly which part of the city was the most affected by the outbreak but we were ready and prepared to face whatever situation we encountered along the way.

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