The Stranger

32 11 11

At an unknown place – Meru

He was seated on a wooden chair behind two wide computer screens placed on top of a well furbished wooden table. The screen on the left arrayed what appeared like a primordial manuscript while the one on the right had some kind of binary codes running so fast on it. Further ahead of him were about ten screens of different sizes. Some were displaying profuse international news channels from around the world. All with reddish broad headlines anent the new outbreak. Some headlines read "PECULIAR OUTBREAK REPORTED IN NAIROBI" "COULD THIS BE ANOTHER PERNICIOUS PANDEMIC?" "INCEPTION OR THE CHIEF CAUSE FOR THE DEADLY OUTBREAK STILL A MYSTERY, SHOULD WE BE ON TENTERHOOKS?" "GLOBAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION (G.H.O) EN-ROUTE TO THE OUTBREAK'S FOCAL POINT AMID RUMOURS OF A POSSIBLE CITY LOCKDOWN"

The room was permeated with a myriad of electrical devices. There was hardly a sound inside this room apart from the low thrums of computer fans and keyboard clicks. The room was dimly lit like a twilight between life and death, casting an eerie environment all around him.

He was of medium physique and chocolate in complexion. His hair was short and well trimmed. He was dressed in a white shirt which had both sleeves rolled up past his elbows.

As he punched on the keyboard, a soft knock sounded at the door, just  behind him. He paused and then keeked at the wall clock to his right. It displayed 11:21AM

"Come in please" he answered with a soft but stern voice.

The door unlocked and a young looking man, not more than 25 years entered. He didn't go any further but stood closer to the door. This young lad was clad in a well tailored black suit; a white shirt topped with a red tie and well polished black leather shoes. His hair was clean shaved.

"Conard, everything is ready now" he said skittishly, to the man seated on the chair, nervously.

"That's excellent Joe, howbeit we're a little behind the time. Remember everything we had discussed about earlier?" Conard, the one on the chair catechized without even attempting to look over his shoulders.

"Y-yes Conard, i do". Joe responded right away.

"Alright, alright – and just to remind you again, your chief objective is to ensure David arrives here, alive and at whatever cost if need be. Is that clear Joe?"

"Affirmative Sir, i will not fail you on this" Joe answered approbatively.

Conard smirked, though Joe couldn't see from the back.

"Then you're free to depart now. Please leave no room for any errors"

"Sure that Conard" Joe replied unhesitatingly and then left the room.


Liz continued to crawfish me away from the door while i resisted, striving hard for a squint via the tiny aperture i had in place for snooping outside. I could hear her breathing heavily. She was indeed so frightened even though i couldn't comprehend how an injured person could be that vicious.

 As of me, i was extremely inquisitive to see how an infected one looked or comported in real time since the only knowledge we had about them were those being aired on mainstream media channels and social platforms on internet.

How do someone who has been infected even look like? Or how can someone cognize one that's still standing on its feet? Indeed, zillion questions obsecrated my mind. Now, could that one out there now be infected?

"Shhh....take it easy please. I just need to see what he is up to" i murmured to Liz, hopeful that she would understand "Am not going to let our presence known yet...just trust me"

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