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TW: Kenneth, mentions of Sexual assualt, mentions of rape, forced incest.

Im not actually gonna write Rape and if you dont like it being mentioned skip this chapter babes but i will go into detail of the beginning though <33


i woke up to banging on my bedroom door and yelling i stumbled out of bed and got closer to the door so that i could hear the yelling.

(Tw starts here)

"TRAVIS FUCKING ***** PHELPS OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT FUCKING NOW YOU BITCH!" i flinched and backed away from the door, i started paniking, mom wasnt home yet because she works at night and it only made things worse.

the door almosy swung open when father got the master keys (keys that open all the doors) the door looked almost broken from where father was kicking.

"f-father please leave" i said shakily, father shut and locked my door as he entered, he wasnt completely drunk... he normally does this when he's so drunk he can barely walk. I felt sick as father slowly walked towards me. "travis..." Father said smirking, he kept getting closer and i kept backing up. soon enough i was pinned to the wall and father was standing infront of me.

<Nobody Pov>

Kenneth pinned travis to the wall, travis struggled and tried to get his father off of him, kenneth wrapped his hand around Travis's throat and started to kiss Travis's neck, Travis let out a sob and struggled "Father please!" Travis begged, tears pricked his eyes as he kicked and pushed at the man standing over him. Kenneth ignored the noises of protest he heard and pushed his knee inbetween Travis' legs and into the smaller boys crotch. Kenneth kept kissing and sucking Travis's neck, tears were now streaming down Travis's face. "Dad please let go! Please daddy im sorry!" Travis begged, crying. he hated this...

( Time skip and Tw ends <3)

Travis glanced up at his father in pure anger "i hate you" travis mumbled as he watched his father approach his bedroom door, getting ready to leave. "travis do you remember what will happen if you tell anyone..." kenneth smirked, travis nodded and mumbled something "louder travis." kenneth snarled. "you'll kill me..." "Good boy..." then kenneth left...

travis stayed on his bedroom floor for a while, just sitting there in silence, he glanced at the clock on his plain white walls and whispered. "5:11 am..." hr frowned as he heard his own voice. his voice sounded raspy and high pitched. he felt disgusted in himself.

eventually he pulled himself off the floor and went to his bathroom, he took a shower and patched up his wounds, the time was now 6:45. he got dressed into gray joggers, his gloves, again. and a white button up with an over sized black hoodie with a cross on the chest.

he flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. but he soon got back up and cleaned his room and changed his bedding, travis heard the front door open and his father probably leave for the church. its disgusting. how can a man just rape his own child and then leave for church and pray with innocent people...

Travis covered his neck with the large hood of his hoodie and sat on the couch downstairs.


Wassup fuckers ;) this took me like hours and its only 500+ words so that doesnt make sense :D
sorry for any spelling mistakes

anygays bai <3

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