°˖✧˚ ♡ʚ eighteen ɞ♡˚✧˖°.

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As you join hands with Hachi, the atmosphere at the coffee shop can feel a little tense, as if both sides are unsure of how to proceed

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As you join hands with Hachi, the atmosphere at the coffee shop can feel a little tense, as if both sides are unsure of how to proceed. However, with the four of you sitting across from each other, the silences can feel a little lengthy, as both parties try to think of something to say.

Despite the tension, Hachi still appears quite upbeat, with a smile playing at the corners of her lips. She leans in, whispering into your ear, "He smells like my Dad."
As you chuckle at her antics,

"So, Y/n, this is Crystal." Takeomi gestures towards the girl, who rolls her eyes and glares at you before addressing him.

"What's the point of introducing us if I'm never going to meet her again?" she mutters, her tone indicating a complete lack of interest.

"Plus, she doesn't even look that important," she adds with a sassy flip of her hair before rising to her feet and walking away.

You ball your fist, ready to throw hands at the slightest provocation, but something stops you. Hachi shakes her head and grabs your wrist, urging you to stay put.

"It's not worth it..." she says quietly, and you can feel the weight of her words.

This situation is not worth getting into a physical altercation over, especially if Crystal is just trying to get a rise out of you. You take a deep breath and release your tension, letting the moment pass.

"You little brat!" Takeomi almost yells at the girl as he rises to his feet, looking back at you with an apologetic glare.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry for her shitty attitude. Even myself, I don't like her; I'm just trying to solve some issues, and she's the only one to help." As he says this, he puts his hand on your shoulder, his eyes meeting yours with a sincere look of regret.

But before he turns to walk away, he sighs and mutters something to himself, the words sounding almost like a personal reflection.

"How the fuck did Rindou fuck that chick so many times?"

You heard him, and the mention of Rindou makes you feel like you've heard that name before but can't quite remember where.

You exchange a curious look with Hachi as Takeomi walks away, the silence lingering in the air after the encounter.

"I should've beat her up," you mutter, crossing your arms around your chest and scowling at the memory of Crystal mocking you. Hachi giggles at your words, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"And let it end up like that one time in high school?" she asks, her voice full of mischief.

"Ha! It wasn't even that bad!" you respond defensively, trying to downplay the event in question.

But Hachi isn't impressed. She rolls her eyes and says, "You literally hit her head against the wall multiple times..."

"But she slapped me first!" you retort, wanting to justify your actions. However, Hachi doesn't let up. She continues to press you, "Plus she was being mean to you! I couldn't let that slide."

You sit back and let out a small laugh, both of you remembering the absurdity of that moment in high school. But Hachi isn't done asking questions. She asks you again, "But who's that Takeomi guy?"

"Oh, he's a friend I just met."

"He looks kinda old, don't you think?"

"Why are you asking that? Aren't you attracted to dilf type of guys?" you ask with a grin.

Her eyes widen in horror as she speaks again, "Not like that! He literally smelled like my dad. It's so weird imagining things with him!"

Your mood rises quickly as the uncomfortable memory moments ago faded away quickly, replaced by light-hearted banter with your best friend.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。

As you follow Hachi into the store, she exclaims, "Now that we've got everything you will wear, let's get you a perfume!" Pointing to the various fragrances on display, she gestures towards the counters, filled with different brands of perfumes in all shapes and sizes. But before you can even begin to consider the sheer number of options, Hachi takes your hand and leads you straight to a particular stand, her eyes shining with excitement.

"And not just any kind of perfume, we'll get you one for the guy you talked about," she says, gesturing towards the stand filled with masculine perfumes. "To seduce him, you know?"

While you frown at the idea, you can't blame her though, she doesn't know that he's a psychotic criminal. But looking at her excited face, you'd feel bad for saying no to her.

"Alright, got any ideas?" you ask, staring at the bottles as she squints her eyes and pinches her chin.

"Hmmm..." she thinks for a moment before turning to you with a grin. "Describe him for me! So I can be more creative, you know?"

The scent of the expensive perfumes fills the store, and your soul, as you notice the posters on the wall featuring different women holding containers of different fragrances. The variety is overwhelming, and you start to feel a bit dizzy from all the options.

Trying to think of words describing Haruchiyo, your hand instinctively reaches for your pocket. Taking a moment to collect your thoughts, you eventually say, "He's playful and possessive."

You're unsure why you chose the word "playful," but it could be due to his overall energy. As for "possessive," that's a reference to the ring incident. You've had mixed feelings about him, and with a sigh, you look back at your friend, who is still so focused on the fragrances.

Finally, after much consideration, she takes a curved purple container and holds it up to her nose. It has the words "SO ELIXIR" written on the front. After taking a whiff, her eyes light up, and she lets out a satisfied sigh. "This is the perfect one," she says, nodding her head as she holds the container up for you to see.

"Alright let's go," you say, taking Hachi's hand and leading her to the checkout counter.

The afternoon has been filled with ups and downs, but you still had a wonderful time with your friend. It felt like a much-needed break from your repetitive routine.

As you sigh and remember that you'll have to go back to that gray and depressing environment soon, you can't help but feel a twinge of anxiety.

But you push the feeling aside and try to focus on the fun memories from the day as you finish paying for the expensive perfume.

hiii i just wanted to let y'all know that story's gonna be longggggg like rn we are just in the beginning like in my docs i have written more than 20k words and we're still not over, I write 2-3 chapters per day so i can stay on track since I have my studies and social life however i love this ff very much and i hope i don't drop it like every ff i started😘

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