Part One

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     Stewart—a tall, yellow alien—was walking among the cold, metal halls of his designated flying ship, which he named The Barf Bag after human #15709, who was regularly called "Barf Bag" when at the communal human learning center. Stewart regularly spent his days orbiting the planet "Venus", waiting for something interesting to happen—as per his instructions from The Great Ones. But Stewart was also a curious alien. He decided that it wouldn't hurt if he flew just a little closer towards The Scooby Planet—which he called after a show that human #564283 named "Scooby Doo". The problem was that, when he got closer to the green and blue planet, a strange creature spotted him. The creature—dressed in a giant white suit with a helmet—started floating towards Stewart. Terrified, Stewart hastily turned his flying ship away from the creature. What he didn't realize, though, was that he was flying straight towards The Scooby Planet! Starting to really panic, he looked around him, trying to find any instructions on the walls on what to do.

     In his panic, Stewart made a grave mistake; he stopped looking where he was going.


     Stewart had messed up badly. He had gotten too curious and now The Barf Bag was going to crash into The Scooby Planet. Stewart was going to die.


     Stewart, in a last-ditch attempt not to crash into the planet, quickly pulled and pushed several different buttons and knobs.

     For a second, it seemed like Stewart would pull off the risky move, but, alas, he failed.


      Stewart crashed in "Texas", a place where humans with funny accents lived. He had survived the crash and was now wandering in a field with something called "Wheat". Stewart was proud of himself; he survived his first flying ship crash, after all. Whenever he made his way back to The Great Ones, they would be so amazed that Stewart had achieved such a thing at only 168 years old! They would call him a hero! Sadly, because he was busy daydreaming, Stewart failed to notice the human approaching him in something humans called "Camo".

     Hearing a loud "Hey! Get off my property!" behind him, Stewart promptly fainted.


     Stewart woke up in a wet basement. The human—human #347623, his mind supplied—was standing in the corner.

     Stewart had been abducted.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you thought and if you would like me to continue this! Also, if there were any grammar or spelling mistakes, don't hesitate to let me know!
Stay awesome, amazing, and absolutely fantastic!

"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere." —Carl Sagan

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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