After the battle

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<<Which way do I go?How fast is too slow?...>>

<<Welcome to your life...There's no turning back...>>

The radios of the coalition bursted in the song of the victor nations,the American with their 80s songs dominated the communication line,followed by Osean hymn,then Australian,Japanese, Erusian waltz from the Aigaion,and even Yuktobanian version of The Journey Home from the Yuke pilots,but there is still one person who was out of the fun.Her plane still flies along with the team,but their song is something unique to Mobius,who was born nowhere those songs being famous.

<<O'er azure skies,and emerald plains...>>

<<Is that Usean national anthem?I've heard it a few times before>>-Pixy was reminded about the time he was at Usean-<<Must be lonely to sing that song,being the only one here Usean,sorry,I don't know the lyrics>>

<<Oh,no need to,it wasn't your fault that you can't sing it,my father can't either,and he's Usean>>

Mobius look at the sky out of her cockpit,to see the blue skies slowly fade into the night.A clear night,the silhouettes of the planes bathing under the light of the moon reflecting themselves over the ocean,along with the sound of hundred of engines coming home.Peaceful,she thinks,completely different to the intensive battle on day,the night is a relaxation,and absolutely nothing could change that.

<<Ameri,have you ever wanted to go home?>>-a sudden question popped up by Trigger,but for her,a person who fly more in a Wyvern than her entire career in IUN,it has been answered,for a long time ago:

<<Yes>>-she said-<<but I think,that this is where I truly belong to>>

Okinawa,the next morning

"A little bit more,okay here"

After the assemblage of aircrafts,despite the heavy damage,Osean and American number of aircraft returned to the island airfield is significantly higher than the others.The difference is that each Wyvern now has a separated cage to be contained.Long Caster walking around the airbase early in the morning,to see that Mobius and Trigger standing at the roof of their dorm,those two are really close aren't they?-he thinks,but there's something else he must do.

"Eliza"-the AWACS operator sat on a box inside a soundproof hangar-"Analyze the combat data of previous flight"

<<Analyzing the flight pattern>>

Long Caster watches the entire replay of the battlefield on a tablet,except for Koshka,given that the capability of that Su-57 is out of Osean ability to analyze,everything else would be vital for the future.The arrival of Su-47s didn't shifted the battle thanks for their surrender,but the Su-37s did a lot.However,the most noticeable thing happened near the end of the fight.

"Ameri repulsed all the attack aimed at the Aigaion,tricking the yellow flankers close to the gun range when out of ammo,smart move,I will note this ... .wait,James shot down two railgun shells fired from Aigaion?!"

<<I suspected that one of the railgun pod onboard the Aigaion has fired at the aircraft of Ameri,no information from the record from the turret,since it was deleted,I suggest Mobius to be careful around the flying cruiser,she's the daughter of Mobius 1,and one third of the Aigaion's crew consisted of Erusian military personnel,no surprise if one of them wanted to revenge>>

"No...I meant yes but...that wasn't what I mean,I'm talking about Trigger...that shot is a remarkable skill,his aiming skill is improving.And I like the idea of one protect the protector,those two would be a great duos"-to which Eliza add more point to Long Caster's conclusion:

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