5. Again Ocean Blue Eyes

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".... she just fainted when I pressed the gun on her skull. What can I do about that?"

"Shut up, Victor! Wake her up quickly!"

I heard two men blabbering beside me. I thought I was still in my stupid dreams.

"What the hell, Ellerie! Again you splashed water on me! I swear I'll send your remote controlled car to those awful cockroaches this time!" I shouted and rubbed my eyes.

But I heard two men laughed instead of Ellerie. I abruptly opened my eyes and came back in reality. I gasped as I saw those two men were standing in front of me and smirking at me.

I looked around and realized I was still in the cab and Ellerie was sleeping beside me.

"Look, who's awake." Black shirt chuckled.

"You thought you could fool us, whore?" White shit growled.

He harshly grabbed me by my arm and pulled me out of the car. I hissed in pain and struggled to get out of his hold.

"Fuck you asshole!" I hissed and punched on his chest.

"Don't you dare, puttana." He grabbed my wrists with other hand.

"Leave her, John." Black shirt uttered.

"Take her away in front of my eyes, Victor." John released his hold from my arm.

There was an abandoned warehouse standing inside the dense woods. It looked like a haunted warehouse which I saw in horror movies. I looked around but saw only giant trees after trees.

"Please let us go! I didn't do anything! My baby brother is innocent, let him go!" I cried.

"We won't harm you unless you try to run. Just cooperate, you and your brother will be fine." Victor said in a serious tone.

He grabbed my wrist and yanked me in the warehouse with him. The inside of the building was filled with different kinds of crate, workout equipment and horrible-looking tattooed men.

We started walking among them. They were watching me up and down shamelessly and smirking. Some started whispering something to others while some eye-fucked me. I quickly looked down and started walking fast.

Victor dragged me in the basement and opened a black wooden door. The large room was dimly lit and full of crates.

He shoved me inside and without uttering a word he shut the door and locked it from behind, leaving me all alone in this large room.

"Hey! Open the door! Let me go to my brother! Don't do anything to him! Please! He's innocent!" I shouted and kicked the door loudly.

I turned around, panic-stricken and looked around but saw only crate piles. Most of the part of the room was dark as there was only one small light hanging in the middle of the room. I sniffed and wiped my cheeks with my palms.

"I've heard that you were so tough and you made my men run like some fucking dogs. Interesting."

A sweet melodious but cold shivering tone with thick foreign accent came from somewhere in the room.

I spun and looked around but saw no one due to the nebulous beam.

I heard him chuckling in amusement. I looked around more intently and my eyes met a shadow, standing in a corner, leaning against the wall.

He slowly walked toward me as I stepped back naturally. My heart skipped a beat.

A cold shiver ran down my spine as I met a pair of familiar mesmerizing ocean blue eyes. It was the same man from the Cimitero club, whom I had seen two days ago.

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