❄️The Diary Of A Model (The Contract)❄️

90 5 3

Thoughts: I must say that I really am starting to enjoy this story a lot. The first chapter really highlights a bigger person and the struggles that a bigger person goes through. And that's something I can relate to because I'm a bigger person. But it also shows how even though a person is a bigger size that does not mean that they don't have feelings. It doesn't mean that they are not human. They still feel they still have feelings they still have struggles and you can really see that in the first chapter you can see the struggles that this character is going through being bigger how she's being bullied and she just wants that acceptance. The author brings that out very nicely in the story and you really can connect with the character which is very important when you are writing a story. Being able to connect to a character is super important and the author executed that very nicely. Everything flows very nicely as well which is a fantastic thing to see I don't see any errors I don't see anything that red flags right now. For me this is a really good story it's subtle it's not too overpowering there's not a lot of cussing I'm not big on cussing. Because I feel like people cuss without having meaning behind it. Like they'll use cuss words just to make their story look cool and that's something that I can't get behind. But this author does not do that they actually put the cuss words where they should be. Whether it's a conflict or like a person for example stubs their toe and they say like damn it. That's appropriate because they stub their toe not saying that it didn't happen the story. Just an example that's what this author has got. They put the cuss words where they should be and don't just use them to make the story cool so for that I can appreciate that a lot. I will say one thing that does confuse me is the cover I'm not sure if it's a man and  a woman or if it's just a woman I see the woman but I don't know if there's a man with her so it's kind of confusing because it's really dark. So the cover to me is appealing but confusing at the same time. I must say I do like the male character in the story as well. The way that he dismissed the girl and then went for Claire really shows up that body types really don't matter to him. And that he prefers somebody like kinder over somebody that's a snob I say kudos to the author for that. Executing something like that it's kind of hard without making it a total oh my God he loved her and oh my God she loves him beginning type thing. Okay so I'm kind of confused it starts off where the author puts he nods nice to meet you Claire now let's get to the point what. It's like they forget something or I'm just confused I don't know. But to me that doesn't flow really well because it starts to seem  like he's going to ask her a question like why is she being picked on why is she being bullied but then it switches and that's what I'm kind of confused about it then switches to her comrades gossiping about her to themselves and Claire we're rolling her eyes. To me that needs to be Rewritten because I'm confused at what's going on he's going to ask her why she's being bullied then go ahead and ask her but don't go from one thing and then jump to something else and it completely not finished his thought. I must say I really like Ethan and a snarky attitude the way he talks to his mother you can tell that they don't really have a good relationship. But at the end of the day the way the author made him just makes me Giddy and smile because he's like has this nonchalant attitude to him. Which just makes his character more lovable in a way. Because you know he comes for money but he doesn't care about the money as his mother who does. I must say at the end of the day the characters are very well put together it's a very original story. I won't say that it's 100% original because the whole guy falls in love with girl type thing is kind of basic. But that doesn't take away from this story because the way that the author is doing it. Each character still has room for growth which I love to see you can see the insecurities from Claire being a bigger person which is good. You can relate to her and having a story where you can relate to the character I will always say is very important. I can also relate to Ethan just because he has a family that wants him to settle down but he does not want to. All in all I can see the story going very far it just needs more people to recognize it for the beauty in it. It's like a story that's under a rock and needs to flourish. Stories like these are stories I love to read because their stories that not many people read and they're missing out. There are so many stories on Wattpad that have so many votes and so many likes and I'm not saying they're not good stories. But some stories that are really thought through are the stories that really don't get recognition a lot. And I must say that the story is one of those stories it's a gem. But it's not being polished because people don't see it and that's the sad part is that this author you can tell has put their heart and soul into the story. And has executed beautifully but it's not being recognized for its beauty. To me everything is checked and I don't really have a lot of negativity or criticism to say about this story. The author has done a wonderful job on it it's beautiful it drags you in the characters are still developing they have their obstacles. All my boxes check out for the story the story has everything that I look for in a story. And I love it so kudos to the author.

Thank you for letting me review your story. 📚

🪷A. D🪷

Percentage: 90%

Chapter I read:5

Recommend yes/ no? I would definitely recommend this book to everybody.

Summary of book


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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