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Creativity: 5/15
Once again, creativity; I think it's a very interesting story. Do I think that it is unique or different? I can't say that I do simply because it seems like another zombie story or another Supernatural story. And it's pretty much the same as what I've read in the past. Not saying it's not a good story; I would never encourage somebody not to continue writing their story. It just feels familiar to me.

I'm not sure if I would consider this an original story per se because I read a lot of stories about zombies and things that happened that are supernatural. I don't know if I would say that this is an original story, but it definitely is a unique story. It's definitely interesting.

The storytelling is kind of slow, but I'm not saying that's a bad thing. You need to have a, I don't want to say, Slow Burn when it comes to characters or storytelling. But with stories like this, they can be jump-scares even though they're a story; they still can scare the crap out of you. And in the first chapter, I usually try to read at least one to two chapters. Because if I really like the book, I will go back and read it from me getting to the end. Trust me, I'm doing it right now. And I leave really long paragraphs. Long story short, with jump scare books, you always want to read with caution because you never know if the author is going to put something in there, and you end up freaking out. That's what I was waiting for, but the story is very well-written the story is very nice. It's very heart-wrenching. You can really connect with the characters.

The character development is definitely there, which I like. You can see how timid and scared they are for whatever they are going through, whether it be zombies, a paranormal experience, or something horrible that's happened. From the cover, I'm thinking zombies, but I could be wrong. I digress. You can see that they miss what they had, but at the same time, they have to survive, and going through the book continuing on you will probably see the struggles that they have as well as the pain that they go through. So, the character development is 100% there. You see the characters their fears, their sorrows, their pain, their wants their need to survive. And I love that that's perfect.

Story Flows:10/15
Okay with this one, it doesn't make sense. I've tried to make it make sense, but it doesn't. It says with a felt tip pen I took back into the bedroom, and we all braced ourselves. I'm confused. I'm sorry, I'm trying. It does not make sense to me. I could see if you took a knife or something and braced yourself, but a pen doesn't sound right to me, and it doesn't flow right to me.

Cover Design:15/15
Okay, I really like your cover. It's kind of creepy, but it works. It's a very interesting cover, so I'm down for it

Final Thoughts:10/10

Chapters I read:1

Total points: 75

Summary of the book:

1996. No one knows what started it. In a local supermarket in Clanton, Alabama, a woman in a wedding dress suddenly attacked its customers. She was described as "extremely savage, to an inhumane extent". Her eyes were lifeless and her teeth abnormally sharp. She was eventually neutralized by a man whom she had bitten. It took only four minutes for her victims to turn. And it took only a month to spread all over the United States. 1999. Three years later, some people are still struggling to stay alive. Among them, a family of three brothers, Vår, 24; Vinter, 20; and Höst, 10; and their sister Sommar, 17. For three years they managed to survive on their own, but supplies are becoming scarce and the need of a new society starts to grow in minds. As the year 2000 approaches, they are going to have to make a decision as to their future and that of a new world coming.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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