CHAPTER 3: The Father

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Celestia POV

Sydney came outside after a while and sat down next to me. "Your father is here." I didn't know how to answer that, was I ready to meet him? Will he like me? She continued before my thoughts could spiral more. "He was really sad he didn't know about you until now. Also, you will live with him from now on, so you have to meet him. Why not get it out of the way sooner?" I looked at her but still remained silent. She sighed "You should also know his wife is with him. They are right over there." She pointed at the window behind me and I turned to look but I couldn't see anything through it.

We went inside and the closer I got to the office the more anxious I got. This was ridiculous, I shouldn't be worrying about his opinion of me, and yet I am. As we approached the office, I saw him looking at a woman who must be his wife. I could tell he loved her. It was true love, which was really rare among humans.

Sydney introduced him to me as Mr. King, but he told me his first name. father's name was James King. I never expected to know my father. Even before, when my Mom and everyone else told me my dad was a fierce warrior, my mother's mate. They praised him so much that I felt like he was something I could never become. I guess now I really can't be a warrior of Heaven fighting against evil when humans aren't strong enough to repel it on their own. Not that that was going to happen anytime soon, even if they didn't find out. I was still a baby in their eyes and they treated me like one. Here, things are different I am almost an adult by human standards.

My dad looked hopeful and so did the woman behind him. I still didn't know what to think of her, she wasn't my mother. Did she expect me to treat her like she is? She was only human, she could never compare to my Mom. I was polite nonetheless. I will find out what her motivations are in due time.

After some time spent in the office with paperwork my dad had to sign, we turned to leave. As I got to the door Sydney stopped me and gave me a piece of paper. "This is my number. Call if you need anything, and I will be coming by after some time to see how things are going. Good luck, Aurora!" She hugged me and I hurried to the car they were waiting by. We got inside and he started driving. I looked outside through the window and thought about my future.

"We can stop somewhere for food if you are hungry?" Isabella asked me. I answered, "No, thank you." They looked at each other and communicated without saying anything. They couldn't read minds, of that I was sure, but it amazed me how they could do this... just say what they felt with one look. Knowing that your soulmate will be able to understand you.

Isabella said after a while. "We will be home soon. You should know, your brothers won't be there now, but most will come back tonight." That statement put me in temporary shock. I had brothers...I wasn't alone. I always felt lonely in Heaven because I was the only one of them that hadn't lived since the beginning of time. "Brothers?" I asked.

They both looked at me in the rearview mirror and then looked at each other. My dad spoke first "Of course honey, we have three boys. Didn't Mrs. Dallas tell you?" I shook my head and stared out of the window again. I have half-siblings. I don't know how I felt about that, yet.

When we arrived at their house I stepped out of the car and gawked at the house. It was extravagant, elegant, and not at all what I expected. These people were rich...which also meant that they were probably sinners. And here I was thinking that life on Earth wouldn't be what my uncles warned me about when they were teaching me about the universe. I looked at them again, but I didn't see any signs of it. Maybe they were just good at hiding their corrupted souls from others. They wouldn't be able to hide long from me though.

I followed them inside, there was an open area in front of me that led to what looked like a kitchen on the right, which was connected to the living room. On the left was the staircase leading to the second floor. On my right was the entrance to their living room and on my left, there was a closed door. They gave me the tour. It wasn't a small house at all. It probably had more rooms than what they initially showed me.

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