❄️House Of Zale❄️

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Creativity: 15/15
I can honestly say that the story is beautifully written, and the creativity never fails to amaze me from the first chapter. Because everybody knows I only read maybe one chapter because I like to go back and read it if it's an excellent book. But within that one chapter, it was gold. It was beautiful. It was very creative.

Originality: 15/15
This story had so much originality that I didn't see anything I'd read before. Everything in this book is just pure genius, from the judges to how they backstabbed one of the main characters to his snarkiness. It is just mind-blowing and beautiful. I mean, it brings me joy to read stories like this because they are different stories. They are original. And you can tell by reading these stories that the author puts so much heart and soul into them. And this author nailed every single thing in this story. It was like I was there, watching the whole story unfold.

Storytelling: 25/15
The Storyteller aspect gets more points than I usually give. And this is when I find something that I've never read before, something that's original. I've done it in the past, and I think I will continue doing it. I find they are a lot different when it comes to specific categories. With this author, the story is told very differently. I immensely enjoyed it. I felt like I was watching everything going on with this character, and I could feel all the emotions with this character. I could connect well, and I loved it. I haven't read it in a while, and it's something unique that was amazing.

Character: 15/15
The characters were phenomenal as well. I have nothing wrong to say about this book or this story. The characters progressed well, and you can tell they have excellent character development from the emotions they represent in the story. The main character also knows that he's annoyed with the console, but at the same time, he must do what he has been told even though he does not want to. He does not like rules, and you can tell that by how he holds himself, but he's got to do what he's got to do regardless of whether he wants to do it. I feel like once you continue to the story, he's going to meet many challenges with his new apprentice, and it's going to either make his character develop more in a good way or it's going to frustrate him. Something wrong's going to happen with his apprentice. But The Apprentice, I feel like, is very mischievous, and I can see her growing as the story progresses.

Story Flows:15 /15
Everything flowed perfectly with the story. I didn't see anything out of line; I didn't see anything that didn't sound right. Everything flowed very nicely. All the sentences flowed very nicely, and the storytelling flowed very nicely. There was nothing that made me go. This didn't sound right. Everything sounded perfect

Cover Design:15 /15
I like the cover, and this is not docking points from it, but I feel the font could be slightly different. But besides that, even if they did not change the font, it still Blends in very well with the cover. So it's a perfect cover and a perfect front. I think it's too bulky, and I'd find a different, smoother font. But it's still a great front and cover.

Final Thoughts: 10/10
The story was phenomenal. There's nothing wrong I can say about the story because the way that the author did it was beautifully red. The way that it flows, the way that the characters have emotions, and you can feel like you are with the characters going through what they're going through. It's incredible, the main character I love a lot. I find him to be very Charming but very sarcastic and very snarky. But I think that's what I love about him is his snarkiness, like he doesn't want to put up with crap, but he has to. But that doesn't mean he won't give you a snarky comeback, regardless of whether he has to do it or not.

Chapters I read: 1

Total points:  110

Summary of the book:

Kaleb is the lone Paladin of the House Zale and the justiciar of Angelspree, tasked with rooting out heresy and corruption amongst the ranks of the most powerful and dangerous warriors. When he has a neophyte thrust upon him, a great evil reveals itself to make its final play. Kaleb must learn to protect himself and his new apprentice in the wide open world where respect for him falters and the fear he once inspired amongst the heretic dwindles.The sands of time trickle away, the demon grows stronger and the faithful grow weaker.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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