32.Did he really change?

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2 months later ~

It's been 2 months to that day and Adhiraj did exactly what he had planned.

He with his family threw a big birthday party for her as it was just 3 days after karwa chauth. They had been planning this for a long time and informed Adhiraj on the day of karwa chauth when they were interrupted by that mother daughter duo ( The five of them looked up to her and thought of the same thing ~ Did she get to know? .. ch - stupid)

The party was at Sinha House. Everyone was there except Adhiraj. Her eyes unknowingly kept searching for him every time someone entered but he never showed up . She thought he didn't want to be with her and what not but little did she know that he had gone to his office to wrap all his works and take a leave for the next few weeks . Well he was still the CEO but he had put Rohan now as the operational CEO and Adhiraj would be managing everything from home . He wanted to spend maximum time with her .

He stayed a week with her and the next with his parents. Initially Dishika was super hesitant about this because she wanted to stay away from him but he was just too adamant. In these 2 months a lot has changed. Dishika had bought a place and set up her clinic with a little help from her brother which she thought Adhiraj had no clue about but it was him who had invested in it .

He knew if he would help her directly she would deny him straight and would not talk to him the little that she was . And he didn't want that in any way.

She definitely was not talking to him but she can't deny the fact that she didn't see the change in his behaviour . He took a 360° turn. He made sure the 1 week he stayed with her he would take care of her and would listen to her.

Every week when he used to come he would make sure to sit her down and update on how things were the last week at his end. The first few weeks when he did that he noticed how she wasn't paying attention to him and how she would always play with Arjun the entire time he was speaking. He thought she never heard but she did . She loved that family a lot to just let go of them .

Dishika was happy after a long time . She was with her family and was going back to do what she loved . She also noticed how differently Adhiraj was behaving that day onwards. He had been always around her taking care of her , making sure she was alright. She was happy seeing him change but she couldn't get herself to trust him again and start fresh. What had happened with her had left a big scar on her memories and their relationship. No doubt he is doing everything that's possible for him to make her happy but what has happened still haunts her sometimes. What if something happens and he again doesn't trust her and everything goes wrong. No she can't let those things happen to her again.

She was determined that she would divorce him as soon as possible but the changes she had seen in him had made her contemplate on that .

Adhiraj had gone for a business meeting to America last week . He stayed the last week with her and before leaving he kissed her forehead and connected their foreheads . Dishika felt something weird in her stomach.

"Heck what is happening to me" she thought.
"Why am I feeling like this"
"No no I can't feel like this"

She saw his car leave and she returned back to her room to get some sleep . When she was about to sleep she saw a notebook stuffed inside his side of the drawer.
She decided to ignore it and sleep.

Few days passed but now curiosity got the better of her and she got up and took that out .
She had never seen him writing anything in a book . On the front Page there was a diary entry of the day she told him that she wanted to go back to her house...

She wants to leave me ! She will leave me .. i know she doesn't deserve me but I can't let her go. No, I won't let her go . What would I do without her? She has become such an integral part of my life. The words pierced my soul, and I'm left feeling lost and helpless. I can't imagine a life without her, and now I'm faced with the reality of losing her . I had taken her for granted but now when she'll leave me .....

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