❄️Lie To Me❄️

35 3 6

Creativity: 15/15
The story's creativity is fascinating. I would say that the prologue was a little long but not overly long. Once again, a prologue is supposed to be short enough to bring you into the story but not long enough to feel like a chapter. I felt like it was a mixture of the two. I didn't feel like I was reading a chapter, but I didn't feel like I was reading an actual prologue, either. It was like in the middle of the two, but it was still good. The creativity and the way that the story brings you in with the characters are fascinating.

Originality: 15/15
There's definitely originality there, and that's what I like about it. You can really tell and feel everything happening with the story. It's kind of sad but beautiful at the same time.

Storytelling: 10/15
Storytelling is excellent, but there's something that I will always say and be honest about when doing reviews. When it comes to using cuss words, some people use them way too much, and in this story, that is a big no-no for me. It throws your readers off and doesn't want them to continue reading. This is another story I've read where they use the F-bomb way too much like every other word is the F-bomb, which doesn't need to be that way. Once again, I can see if you're using it. If you're frustrated, I can see it. It's like you, your character, so cussing properly makes the story remarkable. Once again, in my story, later down the road, my main character has a twin brother, and she calls him an ass playfully. That's acceptable. It's her and her brother's relationship. But the way that this author continuously uses the F-bomb all the time is just very off-putting, and he doesn't want me to continue reading their story. I want to read a story where you don't always have to use every other sentence to communicate your point. The character can be angry; you can use different words to show they're frustrated or upset. But using the F-bomb as much as they have is just very off-putting and very unattractive to me.

Character:15 /15
Character development is there. You can tell that the girl struggles with a lot in her life. She's trying to be a teenager on top of juggling the fact that her dad is dying juggling the fact that she and her mother aren't close. You can tell that there are a lot of ups and downs in her life, and I feel like in the end, as you continue to read, it will either make or break her. And that's very sad, but that's the reality of good character-building. If you can connect to the character, you've done an excellent job; with this character, I can connect with her. I felt her pain and sorrow.

Story Flows: 15/15
I didn't have anything to critique with this; everything flowed very well. There is nothing out of my mind that made me go, well, this doesn't sound right. Everything flowed very nicely, and the story flowed very nicely.

Cover Design:15 /15
I must say that I love the cover. It is beautiful and complements the story very well. It's a beautifully done cover, and it pops well the way it is done. This makes the readers want to read more and look into the story because of how it is done.

Final Thoughts: 10/10
the only issue I have for this whole story is that they need to get them down on the f-bomb. You don't need to use it to get your point across on how upset your character is or how angry or sad your character is. You can have a feeling that they don't use the F phone as much as they did once again; for me, it was very off-putting, and because of that, I would never continue reading this story because I don't want to read a story that's based on Just cussing and not a very good storyline. I'm not saying that their storyline isn't good. It seems like a very great storyline to me. But because of all the cussing and everything, it's very off-putting, and I don't want to continue reading it.

Chapters I read: prologue and first chapter  

Total points:  95

Summary of the book:

In the twisted labyrinth of modern Athens, where the echoes of ancient tragedies resonate through the chaos of contemporary life, Neith Galanis and Cyril André dance on the razor's edge of a love as tumultuous as the city itself. "Lie To Me" unfolds against a backdrop of vibrant streets tainted by shadows, where history and despair converge.Neith, bearing the scars of past betrayals and the crushing weight of a father imprisoned in a sterile hospital owned by Cyril's influential family, seeks solace in the arms of the enigmatic Cyril. Yet, the threads of their connection are woven with the barbed wire of adversity. Cyril, burdened by the suffocating expectations of his privileged existence, spins a web of lies, a desperate attempt to shield Neith from the corrosive realities of his world. He fears her judgment, constructing walls to keep her at bay.As their love blossoms amidst the ruins of trust, Neith becomes a captive of Cyril's deceptions. Each lie, a venomous dagger, pierces the fragile fabric of their connection, creating chasms that threaten to consume them. Yet, despite the incessant push and pull, Neith remains ensnared, a moth drawn to the flame of a love that defies reason.Haunted by their own demons, Neith and Cyril stand at the crossroads of their disparate worlds, forced to confront the harsh truths that linger in the shadows. Will their love endure the trials of deceit and the crushing weight of societal expectations, or will the insurmountable forces that bind them ultimately become their undoing?-Dear Readers,We update regularly Love,Ace Spades


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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