Chapter 50

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Wearing her favourite pajamas, hair in a bonnet and snuggled in bed with a good book, the last thing Maddie expected was visitors.

And yet, when she opened the door to her dorm room, she was practically accosted with the unlikely image of Tawny, Dylan and Audrey at her door.

"Surprise...." Tawny said weakly. "We need your help."

The four of them spirited away to the woman's washroom;  aside from her assistance, Maddie also offered one of her oversized sleep shirts to cover the half-naked Dylan. Audrey watched the door for any potential passers-by. After sterilizing the tools with Audrey's lighter, Maddie dutifully stitched up Dylan. 

About a half-hour later, the wound was sealed. 

"Thanks, Tawny's friend," Dylan said. "Hopefully it doesn't leave too gruesome a scar."

"I wouldn't worry," Tawny said. "I think it'll just play into your bad-boy reputation."

Dylan nodded thoughtfully. "I guess you're right..."

Maddie wordlessly walked over to the line of bathroom sinks and proceeded to wash her hands. Tawny followed after her; this was the part she was most dreading.

"Hey," Tawny said, cautiously approaching her friend. "Thank you for helping stitch up Dylan. We really appreciate it."

"Sure," Maddie said succinctly. She shook her wet hands and then walked over to the paper towel dispenser. Once again, Tawny followed her.

"I'm..."Tawny began, looking down at her feet. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier what was going on. I was worried that if I told you the situation, you'd offer to help, and I know I'd be tempted....I couldn't live with myself. You have to understand, this is something I have to do on my own."

Maddie mumbled something under her breath. "Huh?" Tawny said. "What did you say?"

"I said 'that's dumb logic'," Maddie said, meeting Tawny's eyes for the first time in the conversation. "Of course, I'd want to help you - I just helped you now, no questions asked. But I'd respect your wishes and boundaries because that's what friends do, Tawny."

"I didn't want you to see me like this..." Tawny admitted. "Me, a practical slave to Dylan? I was afraid of what you'd think of me..."

Unexpectedly, Maddie clasped her hands over Tawny's. They were soft and still warm from the hot water of the sink. "Tawny. Listen to me. I would NEVER think less of you. You mean so much to me. You're my best friend, and I'd do anything for you."

Before Tawny could respond, Maddie embraced her in a tight hug.

A wave of emotion overtook Tawny; tears streamed down her face as she accepted Maddie's hug. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." Tawny repeated.

There was the sound of a throat clearing. Both girls turned to find Dylan awkwardly standing a few feet away from them. "I hope you don't mind if I use the bathroom here."

"Uh...sure," Tawny and Maddie stepped aside so that Dylan could gain access to one of the stalls.

Maddie pointed to where the gash had occurred, using her own forehead as a reference, and mouthing a question. Tawny simply shook her head. "It's a long story," Tawny whispered. "But I'll be sure to fill you in."

At that moment, Audrey appeared in the washroom. "I think we'd better hightail it soon. There's a teacher that keeps walking by in the hallway and I think she's getting suspicious of why I'm loitering in the same spot."

A toilet flushed and Dylan exited one of the stalls and made his way to the sink. "Well, then let's get back to my place. No place hanging around this dump. No offense."

Maddie rolled her eyes, but then she looked at Tawny and smiled. 

Audrey approached Maddie from behind and clicked her tongue. "So you're the infamous Maddie I've been hearing so much about..."

Maddie whipped around, taking in Audrey for the first time. "Uh...."

Audrey smirked. "Thanks for getting our chestnuts out of the fire. Cute bonnet by the way."

Flustered, Maddie immediately ripped the bonnet off, an explosion of messy red curls emerged from its fabric confinement. "Thank you," she said.

Dylan rapped on the washroom door, propping it open with his leg. "While we're young, ladies..." he said.

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