CHAPTER 5: The Family

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Celestia POV

"You're right. Still, I apologize." She didn't need to. Her opinion was her own, I couldn't change it she was wrong about my mother. I just couldn't tell her why.

"Sweetheart, come meet the family. Everyone is excited to see you!" My dad spoke with clear relief. Before I could fully enter the room a young man with dark brown hair and a stoic expression stood from the couch and approached. "I'm Mateo, your oldest brother. Welcome home, sister!" I didn't have time to answer him before a boy who looked a little older than me with the same dark brown hair and chocolate eyes hurried up and stood in front of me. "I'm Asher, your smartest brother! I can't wait to get to know you!" I smiled at that slightly and was interrupted again when a boy who looked my age or slightly older stood up and went next to them sporting a lazy smirk. "I'm Weston, your coolest brother and officially not the youngest anymore. I want that noted. But seriously, we will have such fun together teaming up against the olds."

They seemed sincere. I also desperately wanted them to like me because I was always a little jealous of Mom because she had so many siblings. Until I find a reason not to, I will trust my brothers and hope they feel the same way. I would never betray them though, I know how that feels first hand and I would never do it. "I'm Aurora." They all smiled at that and went back to their seats.

Next, my father pointed to the oldest couple in the room. "These are your grandparents." I was confused. They looked nothing like my dad. I tried to find any similarities, but I couldn't. The woman smiled warmly and stood up with open arms. "I am Grandma Gianna, but you can call me Gia. The quiet one is my husband Leonardo." The oldest man spoke for the first time "You can call me grandpa or Leo."

Isabella must have seen my confusion because she explained hurriedly "They are my parents, not your dad's." Oh... So we weren't related. I wasn't their blood. Isabella continued speaking after I didn't say anything. "Aurora, our family doesn't care where you came from or whose blood runs through your veins. You are family to us, you would be family to us even if you weren't James's daughter." The older woman continued with a gentle voice after her daughter "Yes, sweetheart! We don't care that you don't have Cesari blood. You are still our granddaughter. The first one! So, we will spoil you like we would any other child that comes to this family."

My eyes actually watered at their statement. What is wrong with me? They can't see me crying. I took a steadying breath and nodded. Because apparently speaking wasn't something I could do right now without my voice breaking. Human emotions were confusing. I didn't feel sad and yet I was about to cry. I looked down because I didn't want them to see me like this...fragile. When I gathered myself I looked up and went to sit somewhere just to have something to do. I still didn't know who everyone was.

A man older than James but younger than Leo was quietly watching me, while a younger version of him with the same features was studying my actions with interest. He smiled when he caught me looking. "I am Antonio. Your cousin." I wasn't familiar with that term. No one ever explained it to me. I decided to ask "What is that?" The young man, who looked about the same age as Mateo and declared himself my cousin frowned, but before he could explain my dad began "Aurora do you have any uncles and aunts?" What did that have to do with anything? I answered "Yes. Many." He continued "They don't have any children?" I answered without thinking "No, I was the only one born at home in a very long time. It's why they all loved me so much. They said I was special...until I wasn't." I had never experienced hate before I saw it in Uncle Michael's eyes reflecting back at me. It felt uneasy and it hurt, not physically, but emotionally.

My human relatives mostly looked confused, but for some reason, some looked mad. Antonio hurried to fill the silence. "Well, since I am your only cousin let me explain. It's like having a brother or sister who is closely related to you but not fully. We help our cousins and we tell each other things you aren't ready to share with your closest blood relatives. We also treat each other the same way regardless of our blood connection. We are family." If he was my cousin, then the older person, who looked like him must be..." I was once again caught staring, but this time I didn't want to be. The man didn't stand up, like most of the others, but he did smile a little, or at least tried to. I get the feeling he doesn't smile a lot. "I am Alessandro. Antonio's father and your uncle." 

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