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I drop my head into my hands and groan.

We've been stuck in the same spot that we were in twenty minutes ago, neither of us knowing how to go about this project.

"I don't get the whole interviewing aspect." I tell Elias truthfully, finally breaking the tense silence in the room.

"Neither do I." He says gruffly, adjusting his position in his chair. "Collins said this would be difficult but I didn't understand just how hard until this very moment."

I nod my head in agreement, changing to sitting crossed legged on his bed instead of just having my feet dangle off of the edge.

"I wish I knew other people in the class, that way I could ask what they're doing." I groan. "Only downside to this university is how large it is."

Elias hums in agreement before getting up from his seat. "Let's go." He says abruptly.

My brows furrow. "Go where, exactly?"

"Do you trust me?" He questions.

I laugh. "No."

I'm not exactly sure what possessed Elias to even ask me a question like that, considering he knows damn well that he would be the last person I would go to for anything, really. I'm also well aware that his feelings are way past reciprocated.

Elias rolls his eyes at me, and I wish his face would get stuck like that. Builds character. "We have absolutely nothing so far, Hart. Don't overcomplicate this."

I cross my arms over my chest, refusing to let in. "I know your favorite color." I counter.

He raises a brow, like he's waiting for me to go on.

"Blue." I answered confidently.

Elias chuckles. "Okay, now I know for sure that we have nothing."

My mouth drops open, but either way I follow him on his way out of his room. "Where are we even going?" I can't help but ask as he grabs his keys from the table by the entrance. He laces his shoes on and I follow, only because I'm curious now.

"You'll see." He smirks.

Oh I have no doubt I will.


"Why are we at the rink?" I question. It's a Saturday so the parking lot is completely empty besides a couple of other cars.

"I think this is the only way I can show you who I really am." Elias answers truthfully. He shoves his hands into his jeans pockets as we walk, the September chill finally getting to us.

"I know you already love hockey." I roll my eyes. "I just don't understand why we're here."

Instead of answering me, he opens the heavy metal doors to the arena for the both of us. I enter first, instantly being hit with a cold breeze as we walk in. My idea to wear a short-sleeved top is going against me today.

"You should've told me to dress warmer." I mutter. At this rate I'm going to end up getting hypothermia.

"I would have if I had known I was bringing you here." Elias acknowledges simply, walking us towards the boys locker room.

I stop short in front of the door and look at him for confirmation to see if he's actually thinking what I'm thinking. When he nods, I scoff. "I don't think I'm allowed to go in there."

Elias grins. "There's no one in there, idiot. You will be fine."

I don't move an inch. "Doesn't matter, aren't there cameras around here somewhere?"

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