CHAPTER 6: The Memory

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Celestia POV

"I know." That simple statement had me looking up at him. He didn't seem angry, he was just looking at the rain. I decided to wait for him to make a move first and continued watching the storm. The longer I watched, the calmer I became. Hearing the sound of thunder, seeing the flash of lightning in the distance, and smelling the rainwater calmed me down. 

"Sooner or later we are going to find your other family. I promise you they won't get away with it. I know we don't know all the facts but, I can assure you that the Cesari and King family, your family, is going to be by your side and do what is necessary to protect you. Even if that means doing things most people consider bad."

Again the Earthly people were confusing me. I know they are corrupt, well most of them anyway, and they sin, but Alessandro just admitted they will do whatever they need to to fulfill their goal. To protect me from my aunts and uncles. I had the urge to laugh. Did they actually mean to fight them? I looked higher in the sky and saw another lightning strike in the distance and a second later thunder cracked in the air. That is how easy it will be for any of my aunts or uncles in Heaven to kill all of them. A smiting so big it could very well destroy this house too.

Something humans did that never failed to amaze was their capacity for love. It's why they are God's most precious creation. Angels are warriors, keepers of peace, the light in the darkness, but humans...they could endure so much and still love. It's that love that fuels their actions and words. Is murder still a sin when you did it to protect someone you love? Is stealing considered one if you are only trying to help a loved one survive? Things are so black and white in Heaven. The lines are clear as day.

Down here though... everything was gray and blurry. Feelings and emotions distorted the image and it was harder to see the lines. They have a saying here that applies perfectly, so without a thought, I spoke it out loud. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I felt his eyes on me but I kept staring at the sky.

I stood up and walked to where the rain would hit my skin. I really did feel alive under the rain. For the first time since my Mom brought me down here, I was feeling truly alive and human. I spread my arms wide, closed my eyes, and looked up. I loved standing here, it was like I was communicating with nature itself. For me, the most beautiful and precious creation of God is nature and the balance that comes with it. I had the urge to smile and laugh for no reason at all. I was happy.

I don't know how long I stood under the rain, but when I looked up to the house I saw everyone outside staring at me. I guess they think I am crazy. Weston smiled widely and ran to me. He took my hand and pulled me after him. We ran the opposite way and turned right. I saw a giant kidney-shaped pool. Soft lights surrounded it and as the rain hit the pool water with such intensity that it created swirls and mini waves all around. It was like the water was alive.

My brother didn't waste any time and jumped off the edge of the pool. He splashed some of the pool water on me and I ended up choking on it. I forgot they put chemicals in their pools. I felt someone pat my back and ask if I was okay. Asher was looking concerned at me. I smiled at him and nodded. I wanted to follow Weston, but I couldn't swim. Asher sat on the edge of the pool and put his legs inside and I mirrored his actions.

We heard our father calling us back inside "That's enough, you'll get sick!" Weston did a couple of more laps, while I closed my eyes for a second. I can do this again once it rains some other time. It wasn't the last... I hope. We got out and saw that Gianna, Isa, and Leonardo were waiting on the porch with towels. I was last, so Gianna engulfed me in the large towel and patted my back to go inside. I was really bummed it had to end so soon. I looked one final time out to the sky and went back in.

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