23. Protecting His Obsession

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I looked at the girl sleeping peacefully in my arms whom I claimed as mine forcefully. I checked my phone and it was six in the morning, so I slept for four hours.

I couldn't take off my eyes from the sleeping beauty in my arms. Her long black lashes were touching her cheekbones. Her pink lips were parted slightly and breathing was so soft. I brushed her lower lips with my thumb and that made her frown and narrow her lips.

A smile tugged on my lips at her cuteness. She's so cute, so perfect.

I brushed off the soft silky hair from the side of her soft face, and God, I like her hair. Everything of her was magical, bewitching and enchanting.

When I looked at her neck, a sinister smirk tugged on my lips, seeing the deep red and purple bruises that I gave her last night.

Her body was submissive at my touch but she was too stubborn to admit that. She looked happy with Bel and Eva last night, maybe I should give her a little freedom.

She even loved the street foods and that small argument of her for street foods was cute. And that's why I couldn't hurt her.

I don't want to hurt her, it just my rage and her stubbornness. When she doesn't want to obey me, I can't control myself, my anger. I want her to submit herself to me. Otherwise, I'll break her innocence everyday.

But this girl is something else. That night when I dipped her into the water, she stopped breathing and her body became so cold. I thought it was her last punishment and thinking about her not being with me made me more crazy.

I just screamed and shouted like mad man and acted like insane. For the first time I felt something, it was fear. I fucking couldn't believe this girl made me feel this way. I didn't want to lose her.

Steph, Vic, Mariano and Alex looked also scared and they fucking started blaming me and themselves. Victor and Mariano was chanting it was all their fault that they left Natalia with me. Alex and Stephen were blaming me, Vic and Mariano and saying that if they were there it would never happened.

On the other hand, I became more crazy because she wasn't waking up. Everything was messed up that day and I never thought that I would kill her one day. I never thought my possession, obsession and rage would snatch my angel from me.

I just can't lose her. I want to see her angelic face everyday when I wake up in the morning. Her not being into my arms always makes a different kind of ache inside my heart.

Anyways, I was relaxed now because my angel was sleeping in my arms.

Planting soft kisses on her forehead and cheeks, I very carefully took her hands off my body and got up from the bed.

After taking a warm shower and preparing myself for the day, I made my way downstairs and took my breakfast quickly because I was already late. Taking my Rolls-Royce phantom, I made my way to the office.

Everyone was already there except John. They all seemed tensed up.

"What's the matter?" I frowned looking at them and sat on my leather chair.

"We have three bad news. Which one you want to hear first?" Bella spoke and pursed her lips together.

"What? Bad news? Go on." I frowned and nodded for her to continue.

"Well, the cops somehow got the news that our trucks are leaving tonight with the weapons and cocaine so we have to delay the shipment." She sighed.

"What?! How the hell they got the information?!" I boomed.

"It's mayor's men who were following our every move and we caught them. But we got no news where the mayor and the commissioner is." Stephen replied this time.

"Fuck, we have no clues how to reach them. If it keeps going this way, they'll win. Tell our men to be more cautious and I want the exact location of those motherfuckers. And about the shipment, we have to fool the police like before. I hope you all understood what I meant. Right?" They all nodded at me.

Fooling the cops wasn't that hard for us. We would send two empty trucks to the port and they definitely would follow them while our other trucks would go to Venice with the cocaine and weapons and deliver them to our buyers through the Venice port.

"The second bad news is officer Jacob Hernandez is already reached in Miami." Victor uttered.

"I knew that. But I don't think they can reach Natalia's parents. And the third news?" I asked.

Immediately tension raised among them.

"I think you don't want to hear it." Romano spoke looking at me carefully.

"Just spit it out." I said in annoyance.

"John spoke to the boss without asking any of us and he told him everything from the beginning and about Natalia. So Valentino is coming next month and he ordered us to kill everyone including.... including Natalia..." Mariano trailed his last word and lowered his head.

I couldn't believe my ears.

My boss Andheri de Valentino ordered to kill my possession, my obsession, my only one angel, my only one queen?

Everyone in the room seemed so scared and angry, while Bella and Eva was almost crying.

"Where the fuck is John?! I'll kill that motherfucker!" I shouted and slapped the wooden table in front of me, getting up from my leather chair.

"Relax, Nick. We will never let that happen." Stephen stood up from the couch and walked forward.

"How the hell we can save her when it's Andheri de Valentino, Stephen! He'll never let her alive!! FUCK!!" I ran my hand through my hair and shouted. "I was waiting for a right time to talk about it with Valentino. But that bastard fucking ruined it." I growled.

"We'll tell him. We'll tell him everything and I hope he'll understand." Alex spoke.

"He's not gonna hear anything because he thinks Natalia is nothing but a distraction and she'll become a big threat for his business." Eva sniffed.

"We all need to calm first. We've less than one month and in this time we've to make a proper plan. For now just focus on how we can catch the mayor and the commissioner, because, if we get them and hand them to Valentino, he'll let Natalia live. But at first we've to prove that Natalia is not a threat." Victor spoke in a stern tone.

"I agree with Victor." Romano nodded.

That's why I like this Victor, he speak less but his brain works most. All over he's a hacker, he thinks more than speaking.

"Okay." I nodded as well as everyone.

I can't loose my angel. I'll keep her with me whatever it took the cost.

After the meeting we all headed to meet a diamond dealer for an important deal. But my mind was somewhere else.

A/N : Short chapter :)

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