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I blinked at him in confusion, "You are offering me a job?" I wasn't sure if that was it but it sure as hell was surprising.

"Why are you surprised?" He asked,

"Because you said it was my problem." I said, "And you told me I have to take care of it."

"It still is your problem," His gaze dropped down from my face to my clothes, "But," His hand moved towards me. I kept my eyes on his fingers as his touch, cold and assessing, traced the contours of my bruised face. The weight of his gaze seemed to dissect the marks of my struggle, "I'm not fond of seeing beaten up faces," Then he lowered his hand, his fingers lingering on the torn fabric, "And torn clothes."

"You don't need to worry about me," I moved away from his hand

"I have no reason to worry about you," He smirked at me as if he was mocking me.

"Then why offer me a job?" I stared at him suspiciously.

"Because I happen to have an empty slot." He looked back at me with a calm gaze, "And I can use a pretty face."

"Is that all?"

"Look," He grabbed my face with his hand, squeezing my cheek, making me wince, "I don't care if you want to go back to your old job and have your face beaten up again." He tapped his index finger on the bruise making me hiss, "If you want the job, then come to Lux at seven." He retreated his hand while I pursed my lips, "Now leave, I already wasted too much time on you."

I had nothing I could retaliate with so,I opened the door and half got out when I turned to look at him again

"A night club..." I was a little hesitant to say it, "Is a risky job for a girl," I landed both my feet on the sidewalk.

"If you're aware, then, learn to behave," He stared at me, "You're the one without options." He had the door closed and the car sped off right after.

I stared at the vehicle leaving, then looked down at my feet as I fell deep in thought. My hand reached for the bruise on my cheek.

Work? At a nightclub? And become a target for harassment?!

No way!


But, I don't have the money to feed Eris... I do need to work... And the collectors won't leave me alone unless I provide them with money... But, it's not like the goons would always be around my part-time job, right? I can go back. I can still work there!

And as if my thoughts were a bad omen, as if my thinking was wrong and it had to be proved wrong, my phone began to ring.

I took it out and looked at the caller ID

It was my manager at work

"Hello?" I picked it up right away

"Oh! Sera," There was a nervousness in his voice, "You didn't come in today!"

"Ah, yes, sorry I-" I wanted to make an excuse and tell him I would be there tomorrow but he didn't give me the chance to,

"There's no need to be sorry," His voice seemed forced, "You don't need to come anyway."

His words hit me where I didn't even know hurt, "Yes, what did-?"

He cut me off again, "You don't need to come," He repeated his words.

"B-but why?" I began to panic, "I was only late for the first time-"

"You're fired," He kept cutting my sentences short, as if he didn't even want to listen, "That's why you don't need to come, is it that hard to understand?"

Mafia's collateral (M Book2)Where stories live. Discover now