❄️The Twelve Stars❄️

48 6 2

Creativity:15 /15

Today must be my lucky day when it comes to reviewing really good authors because, let me tell you, this author was another one who had me blown away, speechless, and flabbergasted with their creativity. Like, what is going on today? Because usually I don't have a lot of people that are really good writers, I'm like, Oh my god, your story is amazing. Usually, there is something wrong, but this author is creative. Let me tell you, people, wow. Please let me know if you guys are researching stuff or this. Is just pure imagination because I have read two books today out of the three I read a day, and this is the 2nd book I'm just blown away with.

Originality: 15/15

I can honestly say that books like these are the reasons I love doing what I'm doing. The characters, the originality, and the way that this author sucks you into their story from the first paragraph is like okay. I am all for it. Let me ride that ride because I want to know the ending, which is totally phenomenal.

Storytelling:15 /15

I feel like with This particular story that I've in the olden days when it comes to the type of story it is and the type of storytelling that is being perceived. But I'm not saying that is a bad thing at all. Not at all. Because the way that the author does it, it still gives it character, and it still gives it light, and it still gives it beauty.

Character: 15/15

Robyn That is my favorite character right now. And let me tell you why she is my favorite character: the author gave this character such a beautiful and fun personality. And that isn't to say that his other character is not great, too, because he is. But this character, along with his main character, is so lighthearted, and the friendship is so beautiful that you can't help but love the story as a whole because, regardless, they've got each other's back, their best friends. And you can see that in the story. You can also see that the author puts a lot of heart and soul into the storm because there are a lot of beautiful details in the story, but it leaves it open for mystery and suspense as well.

Story Flows: 15/15

Didn't see anything wrong. Everything flowed very well. I didn't see any grammar. I did not see any setting structure errors. I didn't see anything that seemed out of place, or I was kind of like, this should really be rephrased. And if I did, I would have put a Screenshot in this part to let the author know. I didn't see anything wrong. It was great. Everything flowed perfectly.

Cover Design: 15/15

Love the cover. The cover of the story is perfectly together, and they are beautifully written. The cover is beautiful. The story is beautiful. Everything is remarkable.

Final Thoughts:10 /10

You guys are killing me with these great reviews. I'm going to, like, pull my hair out. No, I'm just kidding. Once again, this is an author that is not getting the acknowledgment that they deserve. This is an author who has 79 votes. Why? Why? Does this author have so little vote when their story is impeccable When their story is so incredible, and there's so much talent flowing through each page? I don't understand how this author is not well-recognized. For me, this story is pure imagination and pure beauty. It has that mystery to it as well. But all in all, this story is a story that needs once again hundreds, thousands, and millions of views and votes, but they're not getting it because Whatpad is slowly based on who can get the most out of it. And there are people that will. Make you vote on their stories or comment on their stories. And I'm not saying that's bad, but that helps get their stories noticed. But there are these little authors out here who put in the hard work and are doing the job that they need to be, and they're not being noticed. They're swept under the rug, and their stories are not being told. So then they go armed to think that they're not good enough for what pad or the world. Well, I'm here to say to this author as well as authors in the future. Keep up the hard work because your story might not get noticed by some, but it gets noticed by those who really want a good, genuine, hard-working story. A story that's going to flood their imagination and make them continue to read it... This story ended up in my list of beautiful stories. Because I want to continue reading this story. I want to know what happens at the end of this story. So, to this author, keep up the good work. Your story is phenomenal. And I hope that in the future, you get tons and tons of people who look at your work and vote for it as well because you deserve it. Thank you for letting me review your beautiful story.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:100

Summary of the book:

The gods knew Ragnarök was inevitable. What lay uncertain was the new world that would rise from its ashes. In New Midgard, not everyone believed in the old gods. To unbelievers, they were just legend and nothing more. I knew better. It was only centuries later that unbelievers became believers when news of children possessing godly powers reached word to the Empire. Threatened by their abilities, King Blackwell passed a new law which forced others like me to go into hiding. After an encounter with the Empire's Guard, I am told to find the rest of the Twelve before the Empire can. But first, I need to return the Allcron Stone, a safeguard of the gods powers, to it's rightful place in the roots of Yggdrasil. The World Tree. The Empire won't stop searching until they have all Twelve of us. And we know that their mission will be futile without the Allcron Stone. Restoring it is our only hope.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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