chapter 6

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“Well miss Asmora, i've yet to see any complications with the ‘baby’... but do need to ask again, are you sure the timeframe as to when the child was conceived is accurate?” The doctor turned to me questioningly as I laid on the medical exam table with a scanner hovering over my belly.

“Yes I'm sure, it had not been long before I was shot…” I glanced down at my stomach, seeing it had grown quite a bit since then. Most would just assume I gained some weight but because I was in a coma, it was clear that was not the case.

“Why do you keep asking her that? We’ve already confirmed the timeframe it happened and included the weeks she was unconscious.” varin questioned the doctor.

The man seemed a bit unsure as he looked over the data on the tablet in his hands. He seemed a little worried and something felt off, the look on his face, the way he kept asking the same questions over and over, the silence.

Sitting upright I pushed the scanner away and stared the doctor down. “What aren't you telling us?” the mans gaze moved to me and i could see the uncertainty in his eyes. That look alone was enough to make me nervous. “What is wrong?”

“Ah- please do not misunderstand miss asmora. there is nothing necessarily “wrong” per say, its just…” his voice trailed off as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Just what?! Spit it out if it's not an issue with the baby. Then answer us, you're stressing her out more, by holding your tongue.” Varin snapped at the doctor.

“It's just, the child is much bigger than it should be for only 11 weeks. We hardly have much information about the xandisian race and their genetics so this may be normal in their circumstances but this would put you nearly halfway through your pregnancy.”

“W-what…” I stared at the man stunned.

“Halfway!? that isn't really possible is it? I mean she's showing but she's not showing that much- if three months is half way does that mean she's due in another three?!” 

“I Know this is a lot to take in, there's still so much we don't know. The child is developing rapidly, most likely due to its fathers genes. This does indeed give way to the potential that the child will be born Sooner. We must prepare for such and continue daily check ups to keep tabs on your progress.”

“If the child has already grown This much then…” Varins voice trailed off and I could see the worry on his face.

So many things could go wrong with this. My body could fail to adjust to the rapid growth and it may cause issues for me and the child. On another note this also means we won't have as much time as we thought to prepare. As soon as the council is informed they will push towards Deciding our fate. 

“Unfortunately I have no choice but to report this to the counsel about this.” The doctor confessed.

“Can't you wait?! At least until we are sure that's what's actually happening!? What if it's a flaw in the machine o-or something else entirely!” Varin tried to bargain. 

“I'm sorry this isn't something I have control over… withholding information will only cause more harm than good.”

Grabbing varins arm he stopped to glance back at me and I just shook my head. We couldn't control this. All we could do is prepare for What will come from it.

As the door that led into the hallway opened we all looked over to see none other than the head of the science department step inside with a smug smile on his face. 

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