Chapter 2

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The day went on. You saw clients, prescribed medication, and went to meetings like the usual. At one point you ran out of coffee so you had Ester make you another.

You check the time. It was 4:15 p.m.

You quickly check your schedule/calendar and see you don't have any more clients, or appointments for a bit.

You lean back against your chair staring at the ceiling letting out a small sigh of relief. But then your attention is slowly pulled away as the clipboard tauntingly sits at the corner of your desk. You groan, grabbing the clipboard.

After a bit of looking at the clipboard and not getting any new information you decide to try to see if you can find anything online again.

After a bit of looking you find an article. You decide to read it and it said mostly everything you already knew. But then something clicks in your mind. 'Wait a minute..'

You quickly make a new tab and search something up.

'There it is-'

You click on it.

You were right you had seen him/heard of him before.

There was something about him on the news. You click on the video.

'I knew I recognized him from somewhere...'

Then you again realized..

You didn't see anything on the document about his age, it was either not there or you were just blind.

You look at the clipboard and right there it literally says their age. 'How did I not see that before?..' It said he was twenty-three. 'So he's just a bit older than me it seems-..'

You were pulled away from your thoughts as you heard your phone vibrate.


You see that you got a message from an unknown number.

When you read a bit of the message you groan, turning off your phone putting your face in your hands.

After you recompose yourself you pick up the phone and block the number putting the phone down with a sigh.

You notice Ester re-enter the room quietly. She left at some point while you were working to do some other things and work. When she sees you not proactively in a meeting or session she walks up to your desk.

"I found out the time your first session with the new client will be."

"What time?"

"5:00 p.m."

"It's-.." You go to look at a clock.

"It's 4:25 p.m. so.." You try to do the math in your head.

Ester sees you struggling and just tells you, "So you have about 35 minutes." She then adds, "You should probably get going soon, it's going to take a bit to even get to the place and not including security." Hearing what she says only makes you groan. 'Why can't everything be easy and simple?'

Authors Note:

Sorry this chapter is so short- (I split the first chapter into it's own chapter's because it was so long and I was like 'Hey, this would be a good stopping point')

I hope you have a good rest of your day/afternoon/night!!!

Word Count: 469

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